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New Defibs Keep Fail Progress Through Respawn


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Bug Type (Server:): CWRP

Severity level (1-3): 1

Evidence (if you can):


Description of the bug: When failing a revive with defibs, the failed roll will carry over between lives (only when the downed player forcibly respawns). Normally, the failed rolls are reset on the fourth click where it says that the patient is unrevivable. Since the player forcibly respawns, it doesn't detect them as being on a different life. For example; if you fail two rolls on a patient (2/3) and they respawn, if you fail another roll on that person, the next fail you get on them will be a 3/3 instead of a 1/3. If someone fails 3 rolls, the patient respawns, and then dies later, the medic won't be able to revive them and instead will send them back to their original spawn point, Rolls are separate per medic, so this is a per-person bug. Even if you or the patient changes jobs, the failed rolls will stay until the fourth roll is done or a successful revive is done.

How can we recreate it: Fail a revive roll on someone with defibs. Have them press any button to respawn, and then fail another roll on them. Instead of being a 1/3 fail and then another 1/3 fail on the second life, it will be a 1/3 fail then a 2/3 fail on the second life. 

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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  • 3 months later...

This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable.



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