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Rapture on Naboo - Void


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Name - Void

Helper - Stix, Bird, Quads

Event Name - Rapture on Naboo

Description - Naboo was placed under siege, Darth Jadus has returned from Cryo and is attempting to resurrect the Dread Masters in order to bring back forth the Empire! The Attack Battalions sieged the city and removed the threat and discovered the rise of a new threat to the galaxy!

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10/10 I saw no flaws with this it was amazing great work mate!! :) love the Jedi and trooper interactions through out the whole event 

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn  (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: 41stEC Knight Lydus, 104th SSG Focus, Rper of the Week

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10/10. I really enjoyed using the hacking tools and reading some of the hidden lore. It really added some depth to the fight when most other deployments are just "shoot that". Having to fight everyone to try to spread the word of the info really added a new type of conflict. Thank you!!!!!

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7/10 Interesting event: Starting off it was pretty well done on a small map the npc spawning wasn't too bad.  At certain times it was more out of the gms control but a lot of friendly fire happened. The sith jobs were good to rp with besides fighting when it seemed Jedi were held back a lot on what we can and cant use especially a master for example.  When a sith can teleport and cloak in front of a master may wanna double check those gm rules. Other then that it was a fun event enjoyed being deployed and I thank the gm and the ejs for the event.

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6/10 I like having difficulty, but limiting things like jetpacks and perma-weapons just ruins deployments for me. Limiting jetpacks fully instead of making them jump-packs or asking people to be chill about their use makes it so 5+ people are unable to use the one in game bonus they get. On a map like this, there's really not many places where jetpacks will ruin progression. Even if there is any places, I totally get limiting jetpacks and making sure they aren't being used for vertical movement, but not being able to use jetpacks at all makes me usually dislike deployments from the start. I personally will have 3x as much fun in a deployment, especially one like this where it's very combat oriented, even if I can only use a jetpack to go up for 1 second. 

  • Winner 1

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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TL;DR: Void this was a great first event. I like the varying styles and the fact that it was setting up more than just this one event made it memorable nicely done I look forward to helping / playing in more

When I first connected I thought "Oh no he chose Naboo for an attack deployment I hope he's got a good plan". The map is relatively small and it has a lot of tight corners which usually doesn't lend itself to attack battalions. With that said the gameplay was handled pretty well, there was enough cover and structures that it made gunplay varied. I liked the presence of the puzzle as well. I always enjoy when you're in the heat of the moment and you get the opportunity to slow down and think of the strategy behind it. 

As far as things I didn't like is the story telling was a bit weak, I did like the text screens and intercom interactions but as far as engaging most of the players in a form RP that was kind of lacking from my perspective. I would also recommend using a solid prop to block off areas instead of a prop with a moving material as it can make players think it's a ray shield. I'm also not sure if you had an alternative plan for the ritual since we kinda refused to do it, you did well and adjusted but IDK if that was part of the plan since I wasn't part of the RP. Either way I think it's a good example of the players will always find a way to ruin what you worked so hard to plan sometimes :)

Overall a great first event thanks for volunteering to do the reg deployment!


  • Winner 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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This deployment really lacked something for me. I think the main thing was immersion. Now, I know I'm way more into the whole immersion side of event running than a lot of people, but here me out.

There was no music used, at all. Music is one of your biggest tools as a GM, especially on the event server.

There was little to no building to make it seem as though we were actually in a place that wasn't just a Gmod map. Stix's voice acting made him sound like he honestly was not enjoying himself at all and he just wanted to get the talking over with so he could fight. (I know that's prolly not the case, but it just didn't seem like the people doing the voices really even cared.) 

When you have a story, it's oftentimes better to create ways in which your story will be told on a larger scale instead of only a small amount of people receiving bits/pieces of it (That extends to RP only involving about 5 people)- this is even more important because of the amount of people deployed. 

Overall, I didn't feel like we were actually there for anything. It was just point and click for almost the whole thing. 

In the future for more things like this, I suggest using 

A. Better map choice- Naboo does not offer much. (Whether it be for story reasons or just the fact that it's impossible to cram 40 people through the hallways)

B. Music! Music disks or mediaplayers! A big thing I do with mediaplayers is I'll use 2- one will be playing an 'ambience' video like this, and then another with music playing such as this. (Media players can be found in the entities menu)

C. Better direction of event jobs- It seemed as though the event jobs were not fully explained the backstory of what was happening, what their relationships with the other characters were, etc. I suggest giving them a doc to look over or a more in depth run-through of the lore of the event.

D. Varied situations- It's the event server, you have full control. That means you can map switch, bring us on to a venator, another planet, bigger map, etc. and just- for example - tell us to "Just Passive RP for 20 minutes!" or "investigate the surrounding area!" - it's not all about combat and battle. 


I'm being hard on you because I'm trying to bring us closer to the rating scale as intended, but also because I think you have great potential to improve in deployments! Keep 'em coming man. And if you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, hit me up! 


  • Informative 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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