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Korm's Staff Application


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RP Name: Korm

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18305751

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Timezone: -8 GMT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Because sometimes, life gets to us and we need some staff on to handle tickets. I'm generally free at nights so I can help when the school/work people are sleeping getting ready to work. I feel I can be a good help to the staff, and to the players of synergyroleplay clone wars. I've been here about two months now, I really enjoy it and I want to help where I can, I'm already a trainer as is required, so I help train cadets, now if I pass this I can whitelist em my self and send them on their way to hopefully be a functioning member of our rp community, and not some terrible minge.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Korm isn't just my rp name, it's my real name. With akr at the end. Kormakr. I was born in iceland, moved to the united states of america at a young age so I sound like a white guy from america, not some cool accent having guy. I practice martial arts, learning Kung fu from a Shaolin Monk, Been doing this for eight months so far and I love it. Most if not all of my pals in the 104th like me, hopefully I can get more folks to like me, if not? As my shifu says. "That's there problem not yours."

Do you have any previous staff experience? Not on any Gmod game, so this will be a first. I was forum/ingame staff for a SWG emulator PSWG, back a long time ago. 

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  • Founder

+1 would do great as a staff member. Very hard working individual.

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