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About Myers

Myers's Achievements



  1. I'm Neutral for now I'll make my decision later.
  2. +1 This guy is a loyal member of the community with nothing but good intentions.
  3. -1 You claim you are in collage and wrote an app like that? unless you change it or make it longer I'll keep my -1
  4. +1 Give this guy a shot.
  5. Hello everyone I'm Myers I joined back a few months ago and now I'm back on the server! I'm new to Clone Wars RP and don't really know a ton besides my training. I am currently in the 212th and My IGN is 212th PVT Myers. I hope my experience on this server ends up going well and I hope to meet a lot of new friends and have a good time! If you have any questions or want to know more just post below! Thanks everyone!
  6. Hi guys I'm Myers or aka Simions I'm a bit new here and I'm excited to start making new friends and having a great experience! If you guys have anything to suggest for me just post below -Myers
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