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Faust's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 501st MEDO SFC Faust

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104916737

Age: 16

Gender: MALE

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 

Until this point, I had never thought about being staff in this community. I mean the staff are very squared away and I hardly ever see any serious rule breakage. But recently, I have been wanting to be on the staff team because I want to represent more than just myself and my battalion. I want to represent the community because I feel like there are some ideas to be shared. I am a very organized person, I have a spreadsheet or document for basically everything I do whether that be medical roleplay or just plain training new CC's. I think that I could help implement some new systems to allow for accountability and the like. I have almost eight thousand hours on Garry's Mod with around six and a half thousand being on Clone Wars Serious RP alone. Around one thousand of those hours are as some type of staff member from moderator all the way to server manager. I have had something that not a lot of people get to have, I got to see the start of a game mode with just one server, turn into a game mode with over four thousand daily members and over three-hundred new servers over the past four years. I have noticed that servers now just slap a fancy Serious RP tag on their name but do not live up to that expectation. And while I recognize that not any server can be 100% serious all the time, this server is able to find the perfect balance between serious RP, fun, and freedom.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am sixteen years old and am a proud member of my MCJROTC unit in high school. Like I said above, I am a very detail-oriented person with lots of documents and I can say that the 501st has grown from me being there as our medical section has never been so active and successful. We have documents that check for when a trooper entered the medical bay and why. The type of operations, medical help and so on that was administered by the medical team and this has allowed us to keep the RP fun and detailed.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

I have a lot of experience but here are some of the larger servers names, the amount of time I spent and the ranks I attained as well as my over all leadership experience:



RP Commands Held:

8000 Hours of GMOD CW RP


Command=Area of Leadership


Cactus Gaming (CWRP): (Server Manager)

CPL-SGTMAJ = Drill Instructor, 501st. I trained all officers and NCO's. (Held for twenty days)

Major General, Division Commander (Whole Army) (Held for fifteen days)

Fleet, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Captain, Rear Admiral, Grand Admiral (In branch for thirty days on alt account)


After Shock Gaming (IMP RP): (Community Staff Manager)

Storm Trooper Commander (Held for five days)

501st Major General (Held in battalion for four months)

Platoon Commander for 212th (2ndLt) (Held position for one week)

Imperial Engineers Lieutenant Colonel (Held position for three weeks)

Fleet Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral (Time in branch three months on alt account)

ISB Constable, Senior Constable, Major, Colonel (Held for one month as a gamemaster job)


Disturbed Gamers (Nutscript) (CWRP): (Super Admin)

Captain, Platoon Commander for Alpha Platoon (Held for fifteen days)

First Lieutenant, Platoon Commander for Geronimo Platoon (Held for three months)

Second Lieutenant, Officer Candidate School Commanding Officer (Held for one month)


United Gamers (CWRP): (Admin)

Second Lieutenant, ARC SIC (Held for one week)

First Lieutenant, ARC SIC (Held for two weeks)

Captain, ARC SIC DI (Held for one and a half months)

Major, ARC CO DI (Held for six months)

Lieutenant Colonel, Pilots SIC (Held for two weeks before retirement on server)


Cloud DarkRP: (Super Admin)

Staff Trainer (Admin) (held for two weeks)

Staff Manager Apprentice (Admin) (Held for one week)


Left Shark DarkRP: (Admin Trainer)

Super Admin (four months)

Admin+Trial Admin+Moderator (Two months total)


Refugee Gaming: (Moderator)

Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, ARC SIC (Three months total)

Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, 41st SIC (Four months total)


Hammer Fall Gaming (Nutscript) (First Clone Wars RP Server Ever) (In community for two years on and off)

Please note: The max rank was Captain and it took 8 months to earn.

Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Engineer Commander (Two months)

Corporal, Sergeant,212th SIC (thirteen days)

Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, 38th AD SIC DI (Five months)

Lance Corporal, Corporal, 41st Sarlacc NCO (One month)

Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Shadow company DI (one month)

Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Galactic Marines SIC DI (one month)

Edited by Faust
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Major General in CWRP? Muh lore. Senior Commander is equivalent to Major General btw.


but, whoa, +1, like, that's a hell of a lot of hours.

Edited by Snow

Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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