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Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences


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Name: Piff

Who helped (If applicable): Blue, Silvy

Event/Encounter Name: Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Vjp0e6QYWJq_fSLZYGqayYrIe-GHNof_2f8bDteQos/edit#heading=h.d0d0xx5990kl

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Outcome: Cover was blown by troopers and attack force was called into deal with the situation




“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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So to start off this event was a big undertaking. You had a ton of parts and honestly you held your own pretty well considering the scope. 


Having the droids be hostile and us being no targeted was dumb. You should have made them friendly and then removed them with hostile. It’s a lot easier and removes us accidentally getting fucked like 4 times. 


Events like this usually reward you for spreading out and gathering information and then regrouping later. You wanting us together would have been better if you had just told us. We should have realized since you where just one man and it’s hard to keep track as just you but just say it next time. Don’t have us infer when you need us to stay in a group. 


I liked the job switching under cover. 


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