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Ban appeal


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RP Name: N3P
Steam ID: 
Date of Ban:11/3/17
Length of Ban:7 days/1 week
Offense: Racism
Banned By: TRO Coruscant Guard PVT Zyner

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:i accidentally pressed a bind that said some racist thing and i will remove the binds when i get unbanned 

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If the bind is removed and it was a honest mistake, I personally take the ban back. There was no sign of apology or something that made it seem like it was a mistake as you pressed the bind and didn't retort back to it as a mistake.

Now, what I do find interesting is why did I see another trooper named N3P after this incident? Do you family share or have an alternate account you used to hop back on and join 501st?

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Just now, Rexko said:

why did you even have a racist bind in the first place?

DarkRP most likely. I know they happen every once in a while, just that with this particular one he didn't apologize for it after so I took it as a minge newcomer.

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