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Millicent's Staff Application


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RP Name:

GM 4thHRH CPL Millicent

Steam ID:








Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

There are many reasons why I would wish to be an administrator. One of those reasons is that I used to be a staff member on Icefuse, which was an amazing experience that taught me many different things, and I'm looking for a new experience here on Synergy. I would like to help out this server by helping new players and stopping rule-breakers to keep it a clean and fun RP experience. I would like to rise the ranks and be a Game Maker and keep the server alive and fun, since making events is a fun thing I did back on Icefuse. I would like to give back to Synergy by being staff because Synergy helped me have a fun and inclusive community, which is amazing. And finally, I would like to get others to join the staff team, as it is an AMAZING experience and a great and fun way to help out the server we all know and love!

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I have many pros and some cons. Some pros I have are that I'm an active player, I'm a good leader and I follow orders. Some cons that I have are that I don't have a mic, which can make it hard to get my message across and sometimes I can get caught up in RP, but I'll try to fix that. Also, I'll work on getting more active on the forums.

  Do you have any previous staff experience?

Yes, I used to be a Moderator on DDG PrisonRP and I used to be an Admin and Game Master on

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If anyone knew this guy back  from Icefuse, than you would know his hard work and dedication to the Staff team as well as when he was a naval and GM.


Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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You’re one of the GMs that I see a lot! You’re very active and I believe you would do great as a staff member!


Edited by Lily
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