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Jirachi's Staff App


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RP Name: TR 101st MEDL CMD Jirachi/Jedi Temple Guard Knight Mute

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:79708290

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Timezone: Pacific

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I was a staff in the past, but unfortunately I became burned out with a lot going on at the time and eventually was removed. I believe that being a staff member would help with the server, as I'm a 101st CMD and a Trainer, I can train, whitelist, and then help new members of the server find a battalion that they can belong in. I also participate in events and would be able to help with the events if needed. I eventually want to be a game master as I DM a group of individuals with D&D 5e and could use my creativity to help with the server. Since being removed from the staff program, I have been able to up my activity and can show that I've been more active again, and slowly been taking measures to be able to continue without being burnt out. I feel that if I was given the opportunity to be staff again I could show that I've improved my performance and be able to help out with staff issues again. I'm a Temple guard and know of people who use the jail glitch and I want to be able to help the server again by eventually being able to ban those who use that exploit to take away from the RP.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hi! I'm Jirachi, and I live in a small town and commute everyday to college. When I'm not doing school, I'm usually playing D&D on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and playing on the server. When I'm not doing either, I enjoy playing games with people I've met on the server, such as PUBG and other Co-op games, and enjoy hanging out! I started playign Star Wars RP in Icefuse, back in may, and haven't looked back since. 6 months later, beside some inactive spikes due to being burnt out, I have been going relatively strong! I'm available most days evenings, and available weekends at any time!

Do you have any previous staff experience? Trial Mod and Moderator on Icefuse, New Admin on Synergy.

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+1 Being an admin as 101st CMD would show to be of great use as he would be able to do all aspects of getting people acquainted with the server, whitelisting them and sending them off to their new Battalion: Saving time and resources. He has also continually shown dedication to the server and he is a great problem solver. I think you will do great as staff and hope you get it!

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+1 He has been active for a while now.  As sentinel lead, I've seen him on his TG a lot.  He has also shown interest in being a manger for the branch.  Being able to help out with whitelist would help more then just 101st, and help Jedi as well.  He plays later at night (for EST people) which would help staff as not as many staff are on.

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