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Moltar's GM application


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Name:TR CG WO HOUND also known as Moltar

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183729892


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: couldn't get the exact around 400-450 hours or more


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I don't like to brag (says everyone who does), but I've had a fair deal of experience having to take up a leadership roll either it be working with a group of players or a staff team for the server. I've done rolls almost if not exactly identical to being a game maker as i was a former head game master and a community manager on two separate servers (Reverse Gaming and Bloodshot gaming respectively) thought both being a TR and from past experience as a Aid for children with autism i have developed a great deal of patience and can adapt to changes in events and rework encase of events derailing from script.

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I do, and i understand and in fact encourage this, there is no use in a game maker who doesn't get on.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I'll just think up one on the spot,  A Republic diplomat went to a "Neutral" planet to try and sway them to the republics side due to there high abundance of plasteel and other useful materials.

A few days after the departure of the diplomat a distress call is sent by one of the Clone guards that attended the diplomat represented by a hologram (down scaled player with with a transparent light blue color) speaking of a surprise attack by a group of C.I.S Droids led by grievous before being cut off supposedly killed by a droid or grievous.

 Being the Venator closest to the diplomats location and not undergoing any current missions we where sent to search for the diplomat and either confirm they are dead or rescue them before they are interrogated for information.  

one the troops are deployed (probably all besides the CG and others that need to be on ship) the troops would advance to the position of the supposed location of the diplomat's last known location.

once the troopers arrive at the location they find several dead clones but the corpse of the diplomat is not there, this suggest that the diplomat was captured, while the troops investigate the bodies, a duo of cloaked commando droids begin to attack the clones, one the clones have dispatched one of both droids they could A) investigate the droid and check where it came from, B) follow the one droid that escaped (if it did), C) use scouts to search the location.

once one of the likely methods is done  they will advance to a CIS "FOB" (whatever you want to call it), a squad of droids will flank the main force catching them off guard.  when the troopers dispatch the droids general grievous will walk out with two magna guards  and the diplomat, this is where the troops have another option either negotiate with grievous ( the unlikely version) or risk the life of the diplomat and attack grievous and the magna guards.

if they do manage to get the diplomat via negotiation they will prep to leave, but at the last second the diplomat is shot in the back by a commando droid killing the diplomat.

if they attack grievous the magna guards will kill the diplomat  unless the diplomat manages to get away on there own.

if they do get the diplomat alive, then they will DB on the planet, A LAAT will come to pick up the diplomat and the troopers will leave on there own LAAT.

What map? probably a the Jedivsith map on the planet with the factory. or any map with a barren area with high grounded areas (kinda like geonosis)

sorry for spelling errors and poor grammar i'm writing with at 4 AM.


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Moltar and I have been involved in many servers together in the past. I remember about a year ago when he joined the staff team on our first Clone Wars server as a GM and watched him help run an event for the first time. Over time I have seen this guy grow and learn as a game master to the point that I made him my Head GM on my own server. I know that he will make great quality events from personal experience. +1 you have my full support.

Edited by Kirara
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