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Shockpoint/Barlex's Gamemaker Application


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Name: TR 2ndAC Lead CSM Barlex

SteamID: Steam_0:072936970


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Before I joined the Icefuse SWRP community on May 17th, I had roughly 30 hours. I now, on October 29th, have 1816 hours. Help me please.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: To be completely honest, I have seen every episode to its fullest, and can give you a rough overlay of what happened in any episode. Im gonna be ambitious, and rate my Clone Related Knowledge a 10. My jedi knowledge, christ thats a different story. Dont really care for any jedi lore TBH. Would rate my Jedi Knowledge a 5.


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Well, being a former COL, (Rank purge boys) 2ndAC Lead, Medic lead, and ITD (Infantry Training course Director, 212th thing, Promotes leadership and communication) I would say they are pretty decent at the least. I am a very talkative person when I chose to be, but can be serious if the need or mood requires of it. I have played SWRP for almost 7 months now, and I have grown from a timid player, who seldom talked, to someone who can speak his mind and thought at will. I believe if I were to rank my leadership and communication skill, they would be around a 8-9.

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes, I absolutely do. Activity is crucial, and being active shows that you are a person that cares about the playerbase.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:
One shot, One kill.
It is a very quiet day. Almost too quiet. Several clones, Naval officers, and Jedi alike are attending to their usual chores on the Redeemer, talking, and joking around.
              _-------________INCOMING TRANSMISSION_____------__
Echoes throughout the ship!

*Comms Device Echos to life on all existing Redeemer radio frequency's*
This is Marshal Commander Hiro. Myself and the two Senior Commanders have noticed fine work of all the working crew on the ship. We will be docking in the Main Hangar bay, Parallel to MHB 1 and 2. Please prepare for our arrival. Hiro out.

__----_______TRANSMISSION END_____----___
The Marshal Commander was visiting! This was a very rare occurance, almost legendary for the Marshal Commander to personally visit the Redeemer! The naval officers order all active personel to the MHB, to greet the Marshal, and the Senior Commanders! All clone battalions, Naval officers and Jedi move to MHB and form regimental lines. The Marshal Commanders NU-Class Shuttle lands in MHB (Can be swapped with laat if that doesnt work) and makes the classic Whoosh sound as the Hydralic door opens, and out steps the Marshal Commander, guilded with yellow, Kama and Pauldron flap with the wind as the engines of the ship sputter off. The Marshall greets all battalions, and shakes hands with every battalion commander.
You men have all been doing excellent! I congratulate all of you on your recent successes. Now, If you will excuse me, I want every high command to the Communications Deck! I want to see the statistics of this ship, and how exactly you fine men have been performing so wel-
The glass in ATC Shatters, and a laser bolt comes flying into the MHB! 

The Marshal Commander falls to his knees, his hands clutched over his chest, Blood pours from his chest, his breathing slows.
There is a mass of scrambling and footfalls as the battalions rush to their battlestations, guns being pulled off their safety function En-Masse. 
The battalions rush to the 3rd floor, but are unable to find the sniper.
The Medics have gotten the Marshal Commander to the Medbay. He died before they could get him through the doors.

Among the Chaos, a transmission frequency opens up. Not republic. 
General Greivous, The deed is done. Their Marshal Commander, as they call him, has perished. I suggest my immediate evacua-
You think we are done, Commando? Oh no, you are sorely mistaken. You will be unable to execute any other high command, they are on guard. I am sending the fleet to destroy their ship. Standby for further orders.
Yes, General.
The next portion of the event is player driven. The CIS would then attack the ship, attempting to kill the two surviving Senior Commanders, and High Naval officers. The troops must repel the attack. Killing the Commando assassin is a secondary objective, and would be ideal in avenging the Marshal Commanders death. 
General Greivous would be among the attackers, and would be focusing heavily on the ER, MHB, and third floor. Depending on how the republic does, depends on if defcon 1 is called (IF I CANT GO TO DEFCON 1 THATS FINE, ILL JUST HAVE THE CLONES WIN IF THEY WERE LOSING.) After the siege, a funeral will be held for the Marshal commander, and any other high command that may perish in the battle.
This event was something I was thinking about for awhile now. Please give suggestions, and anything I can improve on!
Thank you for taking the time to read my Application.

Edited by Shockpoint

If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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