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Report On Koval

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RP Name: Haldo

Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119566507 (grab my steam id plz)

Staff member you are reporting:Koval (Overseer)

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable):http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198326703407 

Staff Members Wrong-Doing:Abusing the ts3 ban system to not be reported for wrong doings in game.

Explain the situation: So basically in game i was banned for 3 days for LTAP but the issue was that Koval made my game crash (this is an assumption) so when i came back i was banned for 3 days so my thought was ya know what im gonna go on the TS and report this crap to the directors and get this sorted. and to this day i haven't talked to the directors about this because Koval keeps banning me so i can't present his crap and abusive nature to the directors which is abusing. another thing is that he dragged me into a room (recording corrupted for this point so it isn't in the evidence) and a biased head admin named llama basically made a farce sit between us and was extremely biased towards him so it seems that if u get admin ur gonna win every sit folks. overall this bullshit shouldn't of gone down it is icefuse flashbacks with the 3rd reich gmod staffing and ts staffing starring koval with special guest llama.

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