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Steam Name: Birdman 

RP Name: Birdman 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:129504246

Battalion or Squad you are applying for: RANCOR 

Experience: I played on another server called cyrosignalgaming and I got to MSG and I played for about 2-3 months. Then the server died and then I found this server. And I have been playing for about a week.

Why should you become a battalion commander: I am willing to stay loyal to RANCOR and RANCOR only and make the battalion better. Also to make RANCOR a bigger battalion because we are short on numbers. Also I am willing to stay active. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad. Yes the Nulls were the first ARCS. Only one and two were deemed successful. Then the Alphas came and they were more obedient than the Nulls. And then the Alphas trained the new ARCS on Kamino.

Availability: 1-2 hours on week days(Have school) Weekends 5-8 hours. 

Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy Roleplay: 1 week. 

Do you have a microphone: Yes. 

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?. To have bigger numbers, being well known, and all our troops being well trained. 

Do you understand if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?. 100% Sure.

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