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Justin's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR GM 4thHRSO SSG Justin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55735394

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I would like to be an administrator for three main reasons: Activity, Experience, and Professionalism. First, to start I will talk of activity. I play on the server upwards of 6 hours each and every day. I plan to be just as if not even more active as time passes. Second off Experience. I have 2.4 thousand hours on Garry's Mod and through that time I have learned about what people want need and do on roleplay servers such as this. I have developed people skills in the category of this server and servers like this such as military role play. I know about how some people can be power hungry and some people just want to have fun. I personally try to balance myself with caring enough and wanting to have fun and making the server fun for other people on the server. With this experience and my activity I see myself being on the server and a reliable and valuable member to the staff team. Finally, I can be professional, I will respect you and your privacy and will only get involved if it requires me. I will not abuse my powers or use them when not needed. But if they are needed I will use my knowledge to my best ability to help solve the situation. I will respect every one's RP and try to be as nice and kind as possible while still enforcing the rules. Finally, I will tell you that I am not new to this and would like to be treated with respect myself as that is what I will give, however I will make sure that I know my place during all times, and will not intrude with anyone else.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

My full name is Justin Ottinger, I am currently a Junior in high school. Everyday when I get home I hop on the server and socialize with people. I enjoy being on the server as it is a less toxic, more friendly experience. I have been on for at least 5 hours a day since I had first joined. I am truly having fun on the server and am enjoying myself playing Garry's Mod unlike I have been for so long and would love to share the positivism and my specialties within being staff to all of the new, and some of the older members of the community. Although I haven't been here from Icefuse, or for a long time I still love being on the server and putting my time into it as it is a greatly made, well coded server with an active, thriving community. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?

I have plenty of experience in staff. One of my main times being staff was on a server that had upwards of 90 people on daily. It was MillitaryRP and I had worked my way all the way up to Head Moderator (Could pick that or Admin on the server). But I had left the server as I saw it was corrupt and the owner was only in it for the money, however, I can tell that this server is different, better, and I hope to put all of my 2,400 hours of learning the game from the community and learning the ulx fully to good use. I have worked with this reporting system on plenty of servers before this and also the administration system used and can be quizzed on it and can give full and proper answers to any questions you may have. 

If you have any questions I urge you to tell me in game.

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