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Boomer/Kappa Staff Applications


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RP Name:TR 501st TC JTO CSM Boomer

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:181493755



Timezone:Pacific time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I wish to become a administrator because, i really like this server was staff in other servers. So, i was in this server and i thought it was a good one so i wanted to become a staff and left this server out. That's why i want to become a staff to help this server a lot and help it become better. I may be young and that people might think that i cant become a staff i think wrong because and know i can and that i am a very good staff going up ranks and ready for anything. I feel that i spend a lot of time on this server and that it was time to become a staff, over months in this server. And know that i'm ready to start to become a new admin and get up in the ranks a staff member.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Billy, i am vietnamese,i'm in 7th grade. I'm a top student in math passing the class with no problem. Im a nice person ready to help other people, i will give you respect if you give me respect. I like to have fun when nothing is happening, but if something is serious i will become serious.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, i do i was a staff in lots of servers, being a TMOD, Mod, Admin,Headadmin, Co Owner, and a dev

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  • Coordinator

+1 can be a goofer but gets down to business to defeat the huns when needed

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