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Hardcase/Charger Staff Application


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RP NAME: TR 501st TC HWSL CPT Hardcase/Charger 

STEAM ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AwpkingKenny/

AGE: 16


TIMEZONE: Pacific Time (PT)

WHY I WANT TO BECOME A ADMINISTRATOR: I would like to become a administrator to improve the communities experience in Synergy Roleplay. Also, I would like to get rid of distractions from the server in order to improve the communities statues. Including helping people who needs help. Plus, I would guide new members of Synergy Roleplay throughout their gameplay until they could reach and understand CWRP on their own. I would also love to help whitelisting and calling trainers to the CC room. Lastly, as a admin I will help the server as much as I can. 

THINGS ABOUT ME: I'm a fun guy, but I understand when there is a time to have fun and times that you have to take it seriously. I'm a fighter in the Heavy Weight League. Lastly, I love to Garrys Mod and helping others.

DO I HAVE STAFF EXPERIENCE: No I don't have staff experience, but I'm here to learn and to improve. 

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  • Coordinator

+1 Hardcase would be a good staff candidate 

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