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yatebe's Staff Application


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RP Name: 2ACO Parjai W2 MED 2LT yatebe

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42430168

Age: 14 

Gender: Male

Time ZoneUTC-05:00

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be administrator because, I want to help people as an admin, when they are confused or don't know what to do on the Venator. I plan on training a lot of people into the server fast and efficiently because as an admin, I can white list people and I can explain the game better to new people and more understandably since I have spent a long time in this game.  I also plan to help others when they call for an admin in ether a white list or a Team Speak pass. I am a very active person in game and am usually on every day. On week days, I'm usually on in the evening, and on the weekend, i'm active most of the day. I've been in the 212th for two months and I am an officer. I'm well know in the 212th for being a good and helpful officer.  Soon I'm going to become the medic leader for 2AC, I also plan to help with the 2AC medics so people can become a medic for the 2AC. To summarize everything and my plan, I plan to help people get into a real job fast and I plan to help people who are training other into their battalion get white listed and help with the Team Speak passes.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): In real life, I am a pianist, ( I play piano) and I have been playing for five years. I manly play Star Wars RP because, it is a very social server where you can easily make friends with everyone. Also, it's my way of escaping reality.

Do you have any previous staff experience: Unfortunately no, I don't have any staff experience but hopefully I hope being an admin on Synergy's Star Wars RP is my first.  

Edited by yatebe
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+1 You'd be a great fit!

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