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Ship maddness


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Helpers: lucky misfit and johnthan 

Summary: Basically ziro the hutt was looking to rid himself of a crime of life and the naval core of titan base worked with the adminral of the rocksan to help reparier enginges and make sure all vital data was kept secure

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6/10 Was a fun event and I really do appreciate the Naval Deployment but overall it was really short


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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3 minutes ago, Brass said:


I do like the idea of an only Naval Deployment

But this was just all over, there wasn't much of a story or path to follow

Try to learn the features of the map before you use it. 

I agree with this statement . but I still had some fun. 

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4/10 (based on the chart)

I, similarly to the Admiral, appreciate the fact that the Navy got its own deployment. I appreciate that we got to spend some time on a Venator, and I enjoyed flying. But I do have some criticism regarding both the storyline and the execution of the event.

For one thing, like Brace said, the story was somewhat chaotic and hard to follow. I wasn't entirely sure what was going on for the duration of the event and when things happened it seemed like a way of forcing the story forwards quickly which unfortunately stole away a few chances to roleplay. 

Furthermore, while the vehicle spawner is an incredibly useful tool, I would advise doing a little more testing beforehand and considering the number of pilots you will be deploying when you decide which ships to spawn as well as how many and how rapidly they should spawn. It reached a point where the Geonosian Starfighters were so small and agile compared to my ARC-170 that I was unable to kill them with any real speed which meant each time one went down another one simply came back up, giving me a feeling that my actions in the air were largely pointless.

Finally, the story was short and we were sort of just thrown into the ending with little understanding as to what was going on. I wish the event had been just a bit longer.

Despite all the problems, I had a good time- and I appreciate that you deployed the navy, and I look forward to what you and Lucky plan to do with the rest of this storyline. 

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