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Darrxxs Deffective droid encounter.

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Summary of Encounter: A defective B1 Battle droid deffected from the CIS with valuable info. Then the CIS found out the droid deffected and tracked him down to the Felucia sector and thought the Felucia garrison of clones had taken in the B1 so they attacked the Felucia base by destroying their blockade and proceeding with a ground assualt. Grevious led the ground attack and was followed by Jedi while the B1s acted as a distraction for a commando to go inside the base to retrieve the B1 but the clones killed the B1 without salvaging the info he had which was very important. So then the commando was relesead of his duties and the CIS had to pull back. spacer.png

Helpers: Bud, Ryann, DJ, Camm, Keo 

Edited by Darrxxs
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4/10. So the premise could be good, but this falls apart at a b1 droid. If this had been something like a tactical droid where he has calculated the odds of a republic victory guanrteed, and decided to defect maybe. But a b1, b2, and commando droid just kinda falls apart. I know that this one b1 did malfunction, but bones was just that, a malfunction. He was broken, he wasn't some super special b1, just a defect, like null.

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7/10 the idea was good but it fell apart on the clone side.

The lore and reasoning to why everything was happening was good. It's too bad most the clones didn't even bother to find out the backstory to the droid downloading better software to increase his efficiency and knowledge. A tactical droid might have some different hardware but mostly what makes a Tactical droid is its programming.


Maybe if the clones were to pay more attention next time they would get CIS data.

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  • Coordinator
10 minutes ago, conrad said:

4/10. So the premise could be good, but this falls apart at a b1 droid. If this had been something like a tactical droid where he has calculated the odds of a republic victory guanrteed, and decided to defect maybe. But a b1, b2, and commando droid just kinda falls apart. I know that this one b1 did malfunction, but bones was just that, a malfunction. He was broken, he wasn't some super special b1, just a defect, like null.

On top of that you need to let the players RP you came to naval saying hey dont kill him,
Even if it was the case, You gotta understand Clones have lost many brothers to these things they would never accept it 

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