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ban appeal (redone, didnt make it properly the first time)


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RP Name: SMO SCPO Potato
Steam ID:
Date of Ban: 10/13/2017
Length of Ban: 24 hours
Offense: "Lying"
Banned By: Head Admin Tomas
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: He claims that I lied about being a TR. I have proof in TS chat that shows that I didnt lie.
Evidence to support your claims:
https://gyazo.com/4fb23a1070b8c49a2a72859d400d86a1 | https://gyazo.com/9f39c90864cf7dd33601b8f0e6c0f985 | https://gyazo.com/1fa74cc2e13b3efbac61c2c53c16bb60

 <08:39:11> "SMO SCPO Potato": It was in my Grouping that I was a tranier you just removed it, you cant ban me for lying if I was actually a TR.
<08:39:18> "SMO SCPO Potato": That's fucking reatrded,
<08:39:26> "SMO SCPO Potato": Ask Vanhorn, he's the one who trained me.
<08:40:29> "SMO SCPO Potato": You need to unban me, you removed my tag and then called me a liar? How was I lying if you literally just removed my tag after I told you to?
<08:40:33> "Tomasausarus Rex": The rules are if you bail a CC you must be a TR and train the CC you refused to do so and had me remove you from TR at that point your bail became false and forfeit.
<08:40:49> "SMO SCPO Potato": Ok, so unban me then if im not a TR.
<08:40:59> "SMO SCPO Potato": That's not lying, making your ban false.
<08:41:02> "Tomasausarus Rex": You have been doing nothing but causing issues and problems today, take a break appeal on the forums if you like.
<08:41:20> "SMO SCPO Potato": I dont need to appeal it, your ban is false and you just admitted to it being false.
<08:41:28> "SMO SCPO Potato": And no I havent, my problem is you.
<08:42:18> Chat partner has closed the conversation
<08:43:56> "SMO SCPO Potato": I've seen you admin abuse before, and this is also admin abuse. Arresting me for apparent lying when all I did was tell you to take my tag away.
<08:44:45> "Tomasausarus Rex": I didn't arrest you, I banned you for lying and causing problems, not arrest you.
<08:44:52> "SMO SCPO Potato": That's what I meant
<08:44:59> "SMO SCPO Potato": You banned me for "lying" but how did I lie?
<08:45:04> "SMO SCPO Potato": The TR tag was on my TS grouping.
<08:45:09> "SMO SCPO Potato": Which means you're the one lying.
<08:46:04> "Tomasausarus Rex": Because part of the obligation of bailing a CC is to train them after, which you refused to do, so when you bailed the CC you agreed to train him refusing to do so makes you a liar
<08:46:24> "SMO SCPO Potato": there's no agreement saying I have to train him when taking the training.
<08:46:34> "SMO SCPO Potato": If I bail him out.
<08:46:46> "Tomasausarus Rex": It is a rule of bailing out CC's
<08:46:56> "SMO SCPO Potato": And how does that make me a liar? you took the tag out of my name which means I WAS A TRAINER
<08:47:12> "Tomasausarus Rex": After you told me to, and told me you quit trainers.
<08:47:16> "SMO SCPO Potato": The rule isnt stated when taking TR training which is NOT my fault.
<08:47:23> "SMO SCPO Potato": Yeah, I do quit trainers.
<08:47:29> "SMO SCPO Potato": I bailed him and then quit.
<08:47:35> "SMO SCPO Potato": Theres no rule against that.
<08:47:37> "Tomasausarus Rex": Either way convo is over, appeal the ban or take my advice and take a break.
<08:47:48> "SMO SCPO Potato": I cant do anyhting since you false banned me anyways.
<08:48:02> "SMO SCPO Potato": You're getting reported to a director for how much you admin abuse btw.
<08:48:29> Chat partner has closed the conversation



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Entire Conversation.


Now, I will state it again, if you bail a CC you MUST train them, bailing them and then refusing to train them is against the training rules, bailing them and then saying I am done with training and you remove my tags is absolutely lying.

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  • Retired Founder

There has always been a rule stating that you MUST train a Clone Cadet if you bail them. On top of this, I personally witnessed you being a complete and utter problem earlier. I was also on, cloaked and witnessed you mentioning that you were going to "mess with Tomas" or some variation of this. You're lucky I missed this situation or I would have banned you LONGER for personally targeting a member of staff.


In my opinion you DO NOT deserve to be unbanned.

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How is it lying if you yourself removed my tag on your own? You personally removed my tag. And no, there is no rule that is specified during the TR training that I am required to train a bailed out a CC. Ask Vanhorn, he's the one that trained me. I dont know how you keep your rank as admin considering that you removed my TR tag then say I was never a TR to begin with. I have seen you spawn yourself weapons then kill people with them in CIT and then claim you were just "testing weapons" when it was obvious no one agreed to it.

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