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Ty's Staff Application!


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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:229471894

Age: 14

Gender: Boy

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an administrator because I love to help anybody out with anything whenever i can. I have been playing on this server for about a month now and I have been really enjoying my time here. I will drop anything i am doing to solve an issue, help out was mass rdmers/minges, etc because i know that the server comes before RP ALWAYS. I understand that becoming an administrator will take up a lot of my time but that is something I am willing to give up for the server even with school in progress (2 hours minimum a day). I also understand that this position of being an administrator will take a lot of maturity and i am very mature and I get the fact that my actions have consequences. I will accept all calls for a trainer and staff tickets possible and work very hard on the daily so please consider my application as an administrator. Thanks <3 -Ty

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 14 year old boy in 9th grade that is very mature. I try to be as nice as possible to all people that i meet even on servers/the internet and i have made many friends. I think that I have built a great reputation for myself on this server and im pretty well known around. I am very good at working with others and if i have a problem with something i'm not afraid to bring it up. I have great ideas for this server and i will let nobody's voice go unheard.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes i have been admin on one darkrp server for about 2 months, a head-admin on a ttt server for about 3 months, and about every staff position under the sun on many minecraft servers before.

Edited by GamingBroskiii
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