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Montys New And Improved Staff App


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RP Name:TR 104th JT CSM Monty/104th Jedi Consular P Monty

Steam ID:Steam_0:0:168633446




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

Since 2015, I have been part of this gaming community and I'm ready to move to the next step as an admin.  I have many ideas to create fun events and cool passive RP and NPC sims. I have been a dedicated member of the 104th and the community, and have done mass recruiting for the 104th several times.  I  wish to enhance the experience of those around me. I love events, and want to be involved in preparing event jobs, spawning NPCs, and keeping players on task.  Eventually, I would like to be a game master and host events.  i am very committed and I really want to continue being a part of this community. Another reason is 104th is  needs more admins in our ranks so we can make better training,tryout areas,and whitelist.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am a freshman in high school and live in the United States.  In addition to playing on the server i also like to collect various things,am a big Nintendo fan boy,and of course have a unhealthy obsession with star wars the clone wars ;) as well as indulge in memes from time to time and love to have fun. I DO have a mingy reputation i will admit that however I CAN be serious if I want to and as a staff i know that I will have to be serious and minge around and I hope everyone can overlook the fact that I minge sometimes (i mean we all do), I also swear not to minge,give myself weapons,!slay,screw up the map,or abuse my staff powers in anyway (unless testing dupes,hosting a mini game,testing weapons,or hosting a privet sim) If i am doing this i will strip myself of my staff rank,give all my money to the highest staff on,and do without complaining or disconnecting any punishment im given


Do you have any previous staff experience? No I unfortunately do not


Edited by ccmonty
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4 minutes ago, Kip said:

What did you mean? Because train CC is a big part of staff

oh it is......welp thats just something im going to have to deal with. its just not something i enjoy doing but whatever ill do it if i have to to be staff im just going to change that last sentence

Edited by ccmonty
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Just now, Fizzik said:

-1. I do not think you're mature enough and holding a staff position would break you mentally. I think it'd be wise to save you from this fate. 

i appretate the thought buti think im up to it! and if im not ill resign

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1 minute ago, Porsche said:


While the app is 100x better...id like to see you more in game. A staff member needs to be active in game in order to be active as staff. Unfortunately until i see this happen, i cant support this application.

dude we live in different time zones becuase im on every day from 3:30 to 5:30ish est

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-1 let it be it is a better staff app your attitude for becoming staff still isnt there and you arent all too active within the server... 2 hours isnt a whole lot of time.... thats like 2 CC trainings and then if you get a minge group thats going to be 1 training... you also state that the 104th needs more admins amongst their ranks isnt a good motive either your motives if wishing to become staff should to be helping the server because your not going to be able to do 90% of this stuff in your app until you reach VA and that will take a while your motives for becoming staff should be to help the future of the server(training CC's) thats going to be the main one until you reach admin which even then will take a while for you

Edited by Fido™
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1 hour ago, Fido™ said:

-1 let it be it is a better staff app your attitude for becoming staff still isnt there and you arent all too active within the server... 2 hours isnt a whole lot of time.... thats like 2 CC trainings and then if you get a minge group thats going to be 1 training... you also state that the 104th needs more admins amongst their ranks isnt a good motive either your motives if wishing to become staff should to be helping the server because your not going to be able to do 90% of this stuff in your app until you reach VA and that will take a while your motives for becoming staff should be to help the future of the server(training CC's) thats going to be the main one until you reach admin which even then will take a while for you

2 hours is all my parents alow during the week however i do try and get on when ever i can and  those are mainly end goals in the mean time ill help out with what i can till i can do more 

Edited by ccmonty
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10 hours ago, Porsche said:

im in est...

oh.....well i try to be as active as possable i have this thing that shuts my internet off after about 2 hours of playing on anything internet and doesnt turn on till the next day or inless my parents give me more time so i do have to work around that

Edited by ccmonty
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