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Iri Camas Whitelist Suggestion


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Name: Tomm | Iri Camas

RP Rank: Knight of Courage

Suggestion:  Hello there, as some of you know I recently (week or so ago) got the Lore Character Iri Camas and yes I am very happy with it but because he never truly played an important role there are no Steam Models for him and so I am using the Human Whitelist. I was thinking of a way to have an actual whitelist for him and I have some ideas of how to implement a character that resembles him. If you search Iri Camas on google and go to images you will see an Action Figure of him with old white hair and all black cloak and boots, so I was thinking if you have ever played a Jedi vs Sith server the Sith have an all black boots and cloak outfit so I was thinking let his whitelist be that all black clothing with the human model and throw in a random Silver Lore Character saber for right now I am just using my personal saber. And yes some might say it's not a big deal but to me it matters. I have been on the server and in multiple cases people keep telling me to use Force Whirlwind to move something but I can't because I don't have a Lore saber that can have all the force abilities and so I think this would be a really cool way to have a specific model and Saber for Iri. It would mean a lot to me If this works out but if it doesn't I wont let it discourage me but it was just an idea I had and multiple people said to suggest it on the forums so here I am. 

Implementation: I am hoping that there could be a Whitelist for him something similar to Arligan Zey

Lore: Iri Camas worked with Arligan Zey and played a roll in the life of the Null for Iri Camas tried to put them in Cyro Stasis to use later for they were smarter and worked more individually. 

Workshop content if applicable: Require Development

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: Add and Kind of a change

Job: Iri Camas

Slots: 1

Description: Iri Camas was a male Human Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Stationed on Coruscant, General Camas was placed in command of the Special Operations Brigade at the beginning of the Clone Wars; a conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Model: you can get the all black robes from a jedi vs sith model and on the Sith side there is an all black robes option and that would be perfect. He would be the same Human Model we currently have jsut with all black robes and boots

Weapons:    Any Silver Single Bladed Lore Saber with a Blue Crystal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Other:  I understand If this doesn't get implemented  but this model could be easier to obtain due to everything already being out there just have to put it in the server.

Edited by Tomm
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@TommPlease use the correct format found here 

//Moved to server suggestions. 


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I know this was moved to suggestions but High Council hasnt passed anything on a Iri Camas model to be put to suggestions

But lets say we did, Id have to -1 for now, We have only just added Iri Camas and yes its going well (good job for that) but we have yet to establish the role character enough and id say we need to have the character for alot longer before we decide to make any job on it. Jedi have alot of jobs as it is and there is already an etain model up in pending. In the end, Model, Not yet. In the future? Doubtful


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There we go I updated it. And yea I understand if this doesn't go through just wanted to see what the community says, but this would be a lot easier to add instead of getting an Etain model because all the files are already there all I need are the robes and the lore saber honestly!


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Suggestion denied
6.) Suggestions relating to a specific Battalion must have appropriate approval, otherwise the suggestion will be automatically denied.
Jedi: Council Approval

//moved to denied

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