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CWRP - Ecetera's Staff Application


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Title of Thread:  CWRP - (Name) Staff Application

RP Name: TR 41stEC SH KI Vulcan Ecetera/TR DU HWS ARCT SFC Ecetera

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147027346

VIP (Y/N):  Y

Age: 14

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an admin because I've been having a very fun time on synergy and I want to become a greater player in this community. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to get an admin to respond to my tickets, so I want to not only help myself with tickets but others. I personally think the more staff, the better because it helps other admins by making there jobs easier and helps the players get what they want to get done. I used to be a SWRP admin, so I know how many minges a server can have and how many people need help.(ex whitelists, spawns, health sets). I am very active on the server, so I take a lot of tickets and help people. I generally just want to help people on this server and serve a greater role in this server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 14 year old 8th grader that lives in NC. I'm currently taking 2 high school classes as an 8th grader, taking Math 1 and English 1. My whole life I've played video games and I'm half Korean and half Vietnamese. I'm a pretty social person and always ready to meet new people.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes i was an admin on a starwars rp server called FSAS and a hide and seek server, where i was an operator. For the hide and seek server, I was staff for a bit, but then my computer broke so I had to resign and stop being staff on that server. The Starwars rp server, I had maybe 1200+ hours on that server, and the reason I had stopped playing that server was because I burnt out after 2-3 years of playing that server. On that server, I hosted many events, answered to many staff tickets, and I was very active.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 211:25:24 as of 3/9/20


Edited by Etc1440
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Welcome to the team.


//moved to accepted

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