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Staff abuse report

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RP Name: Fours

Steam ID: idk

Staff member you are reporting: Stahl

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): idk

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Cloaking and no-clipping to arrest me. Real classy-like.

Explain the situation: So I was just in citadel with Burrito and we didn't know if anything was on in there so we shot at eachother, I had the more HP so I obviously won. But I was the only one arrested. Not only that, I was just walking around on first floor heading to the elevator. When the doors closed a random CG just appeared out of no where and started to smack the shit out of me. So I called him out on staff abuse and nobody gave two shits. Like I was saying we didn't know if there was a sim on and nobody else was around us. No real harm was done. The problem isn't that I got arrested, it's the fact that somebody would actually use their staff powers for the purpose of arrest is just low.

Evidence (If applicable): 


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2 hours ago, Kyle Vanhorn said:

Do you have any proof of Stahl doing the cloaking and cloaking and no clipping? I just see a console.

He admits to it in chat look in the console at the bottom

Edited by Kip
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For 1 shooting someone in the citadel without a SIM is an attack on another brother (golden rule )

For 2 yes if stahl used his administration powers to get you is indeed classed as abuse however it's nothing major like Clinton said as he wasn't doing It to be malicious and I do genuinely believe that they will speak to him to let him know what he did was slightly out of order .


I do highly suggest next time you are in the citadel and you don't see anyone around please ask of there's an active SIM or if someone can call one for you.



Thank you. 

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