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CWRP - (IceWolf) Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 41stEC ARFO MSG IceWolf

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:174841119

VIP (Y/N):  N

Age: 22

Timezone: Pacific Time ZonePST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 

To continue my staff career and to help the community to help others when they are needed for answers and help those that ask for staff but no staff are on at that time to help them. I’ve dealt with people before with cases and help other staff members when their busy with life. I’m honest with the people who need help and give them my honest answers if no one else can give them one. I’m also respectful to those that join the community and help them like if they were my own brothers. I have the skill and mindset for staff, also I can effectively abide the rules to a point of success, and I can read situations instantly and be able to provide correct ways. Its something I love doing and it feels great providing help to the ones that needs it and show skills to other staff that didn't know that they can do it too.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): 

I believe i can bring my skill, leadership, star wars knowledge, and charisma to the server. I feel I am excellent with honestly when it comes to skill, I can provide leadership in situations to everyone when the time calls (example: helping them out when they don't fully understand and also show the new people where to go). I've been playing for 3 years and I am charismatic to others to make them feel welcomed and give them the peace of mind knowing they can come to me for anything without being judged.


Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:

 2 years of Community Manager for Insidious Gaming, and 6 months Admin for H4VOK Network Prop Hunt. Icefuse (Division Leader), HLG (Head of Staff), Refined roleplay (Admin), most of my experience comes from icefuse, I was staff for a long time

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:

202 Hours

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+1 Ayeee you are my age!

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