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Mystics Ban Appeal

♛King BangZ♛

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RP Name:  TR 104th MED SGT2 Mystic
Steam ID: 
Date of Ban: 9/30/17
Length of Ban: 1 week
Offense: Constant  Minging
Banned By: Forseen
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I just want to make it shortened because I got banned after this argument evolved for  me asking to be in the PT because in the 104th you only get verbal  PT and I would like to do some PT and I was in there for about until Bacara told me to leave because I had an existing blacklist from the Battalion and I asked so what and he said "I'll call CG" and  I said go  ahead . Its unfair that I get this long time ban when I'm trying my best to show everyone i'm changing. I would just like it to be shortened because it's the only server I go on and helps me relieve my depression. Please take this into consideration. 
Evidence to support your claims: Players that were in MHB during GM PT


Anything else needed to be said: I don't  change my name just because I dont want others to know I'm Luuka. Everyone knows who I am and don't care if you do. I just switched from Luuka to Hex for a bit then an old hex came back and wanted his name back and I respected that. I dont change my name for mingey reasons

Edited by ♛King BangZ♛
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I'm gonna say urban or shorten the ban. There's mingeing then fuckin up. He got arrested 3 times but 1 was false. He got arrested for not going to an OPTIONAL debrief. This is a case of a bad day of fuck ups nothing intentional. He didn't rdm or do any threats he was just being a casual player. 

Edited by Kip
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-1... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED OVER THE PAST WEEK and have minged just about every single day and you mass Disrespect everyone... you need the 1 week to cool down especially when you cry to 2 admins to try to get unbanned then when you know your not going to get unbanned you claim your going to commit suicide... THAT IS NOT COOL IN THE SLIGHTEST... that is not something to joke about or something you say to try to get out of a ban... im sure @Billiam Clinton will deny because of this...especially when certain people have been down that road of contemplating it... its not acceptable... and im suprised with your threats of suicide it wasnt updated to permanent because that is a HUGE no

Edited by Fido™
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You have been causing constant issues, not only for me but for a large majority for the entire staff team of the community and you haven't been banned yet because you always start sulking whenever you are in trouble. There's a difference between being depressed and using it as an excuse to dodge punishment. You have been minging since the server came out without being given a real ban yet, I've watched you the entire time.


You're lucky I didn't permanently ban you after using suicide as a way to try and get out of a ban.


This is ridiculous @Billiam Clinton

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Honestly, My first encounters with Luuka was some quite positive ones but as time went on it began to shine on me that you where a minge. People understand if your trying to make up for any of your past minging but that's not the issue here at all. Just because you want to make changes doesn't mean that your past issues just blow up in the air and all is forgiven, that's by far how it works mate. 

And if there is the chance you suffer from depression then there are a vast majority of ways you can help relieve it. If you are the slim 1.5% of the US under 18 years old with depression, go outside, have a beer find other ways to relieve it because in the past it seems like your intent was to minge and that's lead to this ban. By adding this into your ban appeal asking for us to take it into consideration, I have one thing to say: Take into consideration the players role-play you destroyed with your mingeing, the amount of problems that was caused for staff related to your minging. I think your taking the ban the wrong way Luuka. Think of this as a cool down and some time to think over your past issues, to fix your attitude and to come back after your ban ready to move on and play serious. So sorry -1

Edited by Reed


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I apologize for the delayed response.

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances surrounding your ban and the methods you choose to employ when confronted with a problem this ban will neither be lifted nor reduced. Using physical and mental harm as leverage in any situation is not acceptable nor should my staff members need to feel concerned over your personal welfare simply because you do not want to face consequences. I have personally had issues with you as recently as last night and left it to one of my higher staff to handle. Clearly how that staff member chose to handle the situation was not severe enough to impart upon you the seriousness of the threats you're making and charades you're playing.

Take this week to relax and reevaluate your choices not only on the server, but also in approaching confrontation. If you return and this behavior continues you will be permanently banned from this server. No one but yourself, those you're close to, and your physicians should need be concerned about your welfare as a human being -- do not force that worry onto my staff members and friends.


//Moved to Ban Appeals - Denied

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