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why Zing is the new best reaction


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zing is the new best reaction because:
it conveys so much emotion. Let's say you are reading a really sad book. Oh jeez, is it sad. I can't put into words how sad it is. I know just what to react to it with. Zing! Let's say you are the happiest you've ever been in your life. Happier than when you had kids or got married or went on a great trip or met your best friend. Oh jeez, is that happy. I know just what to react to it with. Zing!
It is true neutral. It could be seen as "oh jeez, this guy is a clown, Zing!" or "oh jeez, I worship this man, Zing!" and it represents no side. He is a chad.
It is the cutest. Honestly look at it. How can you not think that thing is adorable? Jeez, I love it. Oh my oh my. I have to say that it really stands out to me as the cutest thing ever.

There are so many more reasons why Zing is the best, but those were some. Thank you for my ted talk about zing. I do accept constructive criticism.


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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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Optimistic and Artistic are the best new reactions -- for obvious reasons.

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12 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

i feel dent baby should be a reaction

Make a suggestion to change dumb to dent 

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