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SS Drones


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Name: Greevar

RP Rank: SFC

Suggestion: Give Sharp Shooters a controllable drone.

Implementation: This drone could be the Controllable manhack by Thomas (STEAM_1:0:19375877). This drone would act as a recon drone for the sharpshooters so they could spot enemy snipers or targets without putting themselves in danger. This would add a more unique twist to making the sharpshooter a more viable regiment without just giving them a better sniper. The manhack has 21 different console commands that can be used to edit attributes of the drone, which could be used to make it more balanced. The commands can be found on the workshop page. Personally, I would make the commands as outlined in the document (put at the bottom of this document to save space) as I think it would balance the drone well. The drone could be added to sharpshooter training that I could help type up if the need arises. There would definitely have to be a rule against using the drone like a manhack, as well as a rule against using the drone in the base without a specific request to be able to. This could all be covered in training, and I feel like even if someone tried to abuse the drone, they would not be able to cause too much trouble with it before shock would get to them. The drone is capable of identifying targets as well as getting their health from a short distance, as well as sense life forms short distances through walls which this can help, but only if the drone can get close enough without getting spotted. The drone is fragile (based on how much health it’s given) but hard to hit if it’s moving. The drones can be picked back up after deployment allowing one trooper to use one drone multiple times if they take proper care of it. For the stress on the server it may cause, I have tested the drone in single player with all the mods installed so there doesn’t seem to be any conflicting add-ons and I think the drone doesn’t cause more stress than if a actually manhack was spawned. The server should have no problem with the drones to my knowledge. If the drone were to be added, I feel sharpshooter would have a much more defined role as being the long-range marksman, over being the worse version of ARF. 

Lore: Sharp Shooters in the clone army were very commonly given R-1 droid recon drones that they could control to do this exact purpose. They would use the drone to spot enemies so they didn’t have to risk being spotted or hit before they engaged. The drone looking like a manhack is due to the fact that something as specific as an R-1 drone SWEP just doesn’t exist and a manhack isn’t the far off of what an actually one looks like, except the lack of a huge antenna that comes off the top. (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_sniper Mentioned under the equipment section)

Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1268129698  (The file size .081MB)

Add or Change: Change

Job: Sharp Shooter

Slots: 10

Description: N/a

Model: (Don't know how to get it, but it seems not vital.)

Weapons: (Don't know how to get it, but it seems not vital.)

Notes: I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions anyone might have about anything involved in adding this to the best of my abilities. However, I do not know everything, I don’t even know much. I’d just like to see some sort of change come to sharpshooter and I figured this would be better than just a better sniper, which pretty much everyone already has due to perma weapons. I’d love to hear your opinions on this as well as just the sharpshooter role in general. If this suggestion doesn’t pass, I’ll likely try to come up with something better, based on the feedback on this.

Here is the google doc that has every command as well as what I think the default ones should be changed to, as well as my reasoning behind them. This document is very important to some points I make in other parts of this suggestion.



Edited by Greevar
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+1 ss need a better sniper -1 the drone is a bit ridiculous 

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

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-1 probs could be used to prop kill tbh just need a sniper buff tbh 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

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2 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 probs could be used to prop kill tbh just need a sniper buff tbh 

1. It can’t be used to propkill cause A. There aren’t props and b. Even if you decide to crash the drone into someone which you would be told not to do, it only does like 50 damage in the best case scenario

2. I feel a sniper buff would be pointless as if the only pull to sharpshooter is the rifle people would just join until they get a perma weapon or would still just join ARF since they get the rifle and other bonuses

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while I think this can contribute to a new side of RP I don't think this is really needed and is more likely to be abused rather than used properly -1

  • Agree 1

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