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Mitchell - Mandolorian Cartographers


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Name: Mitchell

Who helped (If applicable): Chaseman as my GH.

Event Name: Mandolorian Cartographers.

Summary of the story: Mandolorians were commisioned by the duchess to map out planets. They decided to steal some republic data to later sell to the highest bidder. They were ambushed by Deathwatch at village. After the DW attacked village and the Republic base the Mandolorians negotiated for the release of republic data. The BO agreed to their terms by allowing them to leave the base and take a republic Ship.

What was the result of the event?: Mando's were treated peacefully and as such didn't turn hostile towards the Republic. Once the DW attacked the Mando's sided with the Republic, culminating in them returning the data in exchange of a ship and supplies.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Initially alot of RP then turned into a firefight.




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