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Yaoqul Prequel


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Name: Tinovious

Who helped (If applicable): Jackson, Quill, Woeny, Marvel, Sniff 

Event Name: Yaoqul Prequel

Summary of the story: A family of humble force sensitives were just minding their business, Doing family things. Little did they know that Count Dooku, DUN DUN DUN. Tasked a Battle Group to find and capture the family so they could become disciples of the Dark side! 

What was the result of the event?: The family called for Republic assistance on an opens comms frequency as the CIS hunting party surrounded their town house! Republic units arrived on scene fighting off the CIS, Once the family was safe they were extracted to Fort Anaxes and were questioned by the Special Operations Brigade and other Jedi after being transported to the Jedi Temple! Later Dooku appeared with his own units! Taking it upon himself to capture the Philip's family, influencing the family's young minds and offering them a better life as his subjects!  While Dooku distracted the GAR, Admiral Trench was ordered to send an attack force in a full frontal assault on Fort Anaxes. The GAR repelled the assault, making the CIS fall back to Granite as a last stand. Yaoqul eventually joined Dooku under the alias Darth Agate, The youngest brother joined a splinter cell of dark side users and the eldest brother was gunned down by the Republic, enraging both brothers with a deep hatred for the GAR.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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  • Coordinator

10/10 shit was 3+ hrs long  of passive rp, non passive and shiz

  • Friendly 1
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Head Admin

10/10, got to beat up a youngling with a trident hilt. I got clapped tho

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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