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Kessel's BCMD Fox Application


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RP Name:

Executive Officer Stone


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Battalion or squad you are applying for:




Initially, I started by joining up with the 501st as my first battalion and becoming a jet trooper back in late 2018. I would constantly hound Rex about what new opportunities I would be able to access, as well as what I could to do to improve my performance in the battalion. Even as an NCO, when I would see a drastic decline in officer activity, I would quickly reach out to my superiors to find them and resolve it, as I wanted to see the battalion function at its best.

About a month after I became a 501st, I quickly realized that it wasn't quite right for me, opting to transfer to what was then called "Coruscant Guard" about a month later. In my entire Star Wars RP career, the police battalions have always been where I belong. This is where I've been ever since leaving 501st.. I've always been quick to leadership positions during my time in Shock. The one I'm most proud of is my several months of active involvement in the server's medical branch, acting as Shock's medical lead. I helped to boost their numbers and facilitate important discussions in the medical Discord, as the branch was a server-wide mess at this time. This is an idea I hope to apply to the entire battalion. I had to juggle the battalion roster, medical roster, and several logging channels across Shock and Medic Discords to keep things running at peak efficiency.

Even after I was no longer a member of the medical branch, I tried to check in to make sure my successor had everything he needed to continue. Furthermore, during this time, I joined our battalion intel team, not just to prove myself as an officer, but also to show that I could responsibly handle important documents and information. I would eventually be promoted to intel officer by Ratio, which gave me more responsibilities, such as validating information and double checking the rest of the team's work. I held all these positions until I became a LTC and applied for the position of Stone, an esteemed position, given its previous holder. I then ran trials as a colonel, and then commander when Ratio believed that I had proven that I deserved to be Stone. I've since been working much more closely other battalions, especially when I try to host training to fill in the void that we have unfortunately been dealing with. I'll frequently invite others to join in on our activities, as this helps build good relationships between the battalions and give us insight on how we can do better. My most recent exploits have been management as the executive officer, which I was recently promoted to. In this position, I've been helping Slump manage the battalion's most important tasks, such as hearing appeals, shaping our Shock High Command into better leaders for the future, and connecting different battalions for roleplay through use of my connections in Base Ops, Jedi, and history working with other troopers outside Shock, especially Doom's Unit, when the opportunity presents itself.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe that I have sufficient experience to uphold the standards set by the battalion commanders that preceded me: Shakes, Une, Ratio, and Slump. They've always been tough but fair, and I've learned a lot of the essential skills that a BCMD needs to have. At times, this means using an iron fist at times. I think that part of our recent shortcomings can be attributed to a lack of whip-cracking in the ranks. I want to be tough but fair, assertive without making people feel uncomfortable. In my short time as XO, I've had many opportunities to sit in on and help make important decisions to help improve our battalion, such as new tryouts, training programs, and rules. I don't want to do things in an entirely traditional fashion, but rather mold the battalion as needed instead of trying to make a broken system work. This is what a battalion commander needs to be able to do, and I think I have the capability and charisma to make it work. I've always been one of our most vocal members, quickly speaking out with my thoughts about new ideas that the troopers post in our Discord. This type of discussion is what keeps communication clear between members and allows appropriate changes to be implemented.

Growth and maturity are also important factors in being a battalion commander, and I believe that I have shown both since joining Shock. When I became a commander, I was told by my superiors that they thought I was the biggest turnaround that they'd ever seen, as they believed that I would never amount to anything, given some of my previous difficulties in the battalion. Now, with the post of battalion commander, I hope to instill that discipline and improvement in future Shock. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes, and I frequently implement it in creative ways during roleplay situations.



I am usually available after 5 or 6 PM EST on most weekdays, and almost all the time on most weekends.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 

As of November 11, 2019, I have 983 hours on the server, and I've been playing since September 2018.


Do you have a microphone?:

I do.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

One of our primary issues in the battalion in recent weeks is a series of drops in activity and numbers. My primary goal is to build up our numbers, particularly by getting our commissioned officers more involved in the recruitment process, that we may set a better example and boost retention. As it stands, we are starting to reach an equilibrium where more people are leaving than entering. I propose more incentives, such as an overhaul in the merit system to give people more cause to up their recruitment numbers. Training has also been lackluster, with barely a training logged in recent weeks. I'm going to start putting my foot down and offering more of the aforementioned incentives that I develop during my time as BCMD, just as I will discipline those who are not contributing to the battalion. Ultimately, we need to get our act together entirely. We're in a constant bell curve of activity, and I want to stabilize it for more than a week.

In addition, we have, unfortunately, had a lot of arrest and event-oriented issues, mostly stemming from the fact that some troopers are failing to properly educate our newcomers, so I plan to begin having officers oversee basic training, as well as other things, to make sure that our recruits are being trained to Shock High Command's high standards. As it stands, this is not being done, and I need to address it quickly. There have been too many situations where people haven't stepped up to improve communication, enact battle comms, and follow/enforce the rules properly.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I do.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

I do.

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+1 I’ve seen you grown and even passed me too to become COL, you’ve been here so long and I think you’re a great fit for Fox. Not to mention you’re active too. I hope to do great things by your side 

Edited by KnightVR
  • Friendly 1

Current: None | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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+1 this kid is ready to lead by example and take over from the two past BCMDs and carry on the great work they have done

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 best shock RP, I literally think to myself at times "Many that Stone guy is so much more popular and cooler than Kessel" 

  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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4 hours ago, Dennis said:

+1 this kid is ready to lead by example and take over from the two past BCMDs and carry on the great work they have done


3 hours ago, Clutch said:

+1 No one else fit for the job!


4 hours ago, Jagger said:

+1 best shock RP, I literally think to myself at times "Many that Stone guy is so much more popular and cooler than Kessel" 

These right here sum up this man... he can run mean PT and still be "one of the boys" he is the most hard working dedicated XO there has been. He is MORE than qualified for Fox and would run an amazing battalion. Good luck and +1


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2 hours ago, Pot said:

-1 for reasons stated above and the fact that ive seen you on like twice my entire time in ST

Bruh you’re in a different time zone Pot

Edited by KnightVR

Current: None | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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ok ive actually been thinking about this for a while

and I have to say 

+1 Kessel you have spent a lot of time in shock and I think you have developed officer qualities and I would like this to go to interview to let High Command Decide what is best.

It is a tough decision but I feel like you are now ready for the position

Good Luck!

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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