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CWRP - Flunk Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 21EJTL 2ndLT Flunk


Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:197015335


VIP (Y/N): Y






Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  All around I believe the server is a great doorway to role play and with that a major doorway to get into StarWars RP. Yet, you can never have enough help when you run a server of this size and reputation.  I want whats best for the community, for it to flourish further and continue to take the steps and leaps to accomplish further goals as everyone should. I am wanting to help the server reach these leaps by stepping up and becoming staff, and take pride further in the server. On a side note, time zones also play a role as people live all around the world, and I am on most early to mid-late hours with most of the NA staff being offline or away from their computer. With that I leave this to you're judgment in deciding my fate, if you have any questions I will answer them accordingly.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Just turning seventeen *17*, I am always looking for more roles on the server, such as leadership. Leadership is a big thing to me alongside fairness and accountability, was brought up as a young boy to uphold high standards to these attributes. Aside from the main slow parts, more on my real life events. I work at a pizza place called "Cici's pizza", where I help train new staff, and help hire people *basically a manager*.  More on free time, I hunt, fish, and do community service with a club at my High school called "Leo's club." We work with a town club called "The Noon Lions" where we help the community by community service, and help local hospitals with help the unfortunate. I am a senior set to graduate in May 2020.


Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, with this server a few months back. I went inactive due to medical reasons, but I'm back and ready to get my butt in gear.         


How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  


Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) N/A


TR 21stEJTL 2ndLT Flunk has played for 727:11:50.


If you have any questions I will answer them.

Edited by Flunk
Fixing the copy and paste from the doc I was typing on , -,
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Your Staff Application has been DENIED

Please wait the full 30 days before applying or ask a HA to get waived. ( Flunk this is your 3rd or 4th time doing this. Next time if you want to be staff go through with it fully and if you know you can't just wait until you actually know you can.

You may apply in 30 days 12/21/2019

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