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Order 37 - Blue Milk


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Name: Team Blue Milk (Synyster, Dennis, Elijah, Truffle)

Who helped (If applicable): Named above, plus Ohio, Patricia, blur, Island, foxey, lights

Event Name: Order 37

Summary of the story: Palpatine issues Executive Order 37, giving FDC Deadpan full authorization to apprehend Civilians with lethal force if necessary to find hiding jedi.

What was the result of the event?: Forces rolled on Naboo, rounded up civies, and ended up finding and killing 6 surviving Jedi. 

They then went to Tatooine, stormed the city full of insurrectionists, got orders to eliminate EVERYONE (The women and the children, too). To cover up the massacre, Palpatine gave the order to nuke the city, leaving it in nothing but a pile of sand. The operation was officially wiped from the books when the Nuke went off.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



Edited by Synyster
  • Winner 1

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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8/10 First part where a bit boring but at the end it where alot more fun, despite everything was blank and pink for me



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It was a very fun event, despite the lag. The tatoonie part was the most fun.


I'm going to give this a solid 7.5/10 (going strictly based off the rating system) overall. The lag kind of sucked but the building, story, rp, all that was fun and cool. Fun rating was a 9/10, Keep it up!


As for ending the event because people weren't following orders, I'm sorry about that. I will say to warn directly people about it or kick people out instead of ending the event early as that's not fair to you and your team who put the hard work.

Edited by Jagger

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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8/10 Great event that i enjoyed watching play out and help in. Wish people would be more respectful of the gm and listen to orders because we had more planned for the event. Synyster put alot of planning into this event and in played off. I love seeing this guys events and i hope theres alot more to come!

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