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CWRP - (Mute) Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 21stSO MSG Mute | TR Base Ops QM PFC Mars | TR Jedi S Padawan Malik

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:441332235

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age:15 (Turned 15 on 10/17)


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):So you guys know my timezone is PST, So that means im from the other side of the world that means when its daytime for me its nightime for you guys, So i want to be staff to help those people online during the dead hours of the server.From my previous denied apps i quickly learned from my mistakes, As a New Admin your duty is to train cadets and take tickets, Not complain. So i rejoined to the TR Program, As Staff i wont forget my limits, I wont abuse my powers, I will also be mature as possible. When i get the rank of Admin, I will host Events and Encounters for those people to enjoy, And when there is not enough people on, I will do some little sims in Citadel for those people (Shoutout Hawk for the Sim idea). And i just really want to help the community out even though there is alot of Staff, As New Admin i promise to do my tickets such as Whitelist,Playtime,When people get stuck, And train new cadets. You can trust me to get the job done, I don't care if he's a minge or not i will still do my job to train him and i promise to be active in the community not only in gmod but in teamspeak and the forums. (If you have any problems with me please put them down in the comments i want to know what im missing and the things i've done wrong)

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I play basketball for my school here in the Philippines, But im moslty a gamer not an athlete. Im more of a FPS guy when my friend gifted me GMOD i played to crap out of it mostly CWRP. Im a fan of star wars before i got to CWRP, I watched the tv show called The Clone Wars. Im  5 foot flat and i am a terrible basketball player, Besides that im really competitive when it comes to games.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, From a really small cwrp server.

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  : | TR 21stSO MSG Mute has played for 449:20:48. | 

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one): No

Edited by DDeviLL
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-1 sorry bud it it still doesnt seem to me like u are fit for staff.
From the stuff u have done in the past i think u should wait longer and just get know in the comunity as a better person as u are know as currently

  • Friendly 1

Ex. Veteran Admin  Ex. GMO   Ex. 212th Warrant Officer

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On 10/24/2019 at 2:43 AM, Xander said:

-1 sorry bud it it still doesnt seem to me like u are fit for staff.
From the stuff u have done in the past i think u should wait longer and just get know in the comunity as a better person as u are know as currently


Well first of all you aren't really online when im usually playing, So you dont know what have changed from me, Anyways thanks for the feedback!

Edited by DDeviLL
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Head Admin

Your staff application has been accepted for interview

Contact an HA by  11/3/2019 or you will be denied

// Locked

// Moved to pending

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Head Admin

Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team

Good Luck on your journey

// Moved to accepted


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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