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Asmodeus is released


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Hades, Deathtiger

Event Name: Asmodeus is released

Summary of the story:  Two Republic citizens name Kevin and Phillip seeking freedom and exploration and freenes from responsibility come to the planet to explore.  While they are exploring a cave they come across a strange ancient spirit box with ancient text on it, the text includes history a sealing spell and instructions, it is not written in basic it is written in an ancient unknown text.  These to citizens of the Republic being curious start messing with the box and open up the box on accident by turning the dial while the other one is whispering the unsealing words while reading.  These two citizen's start having weird cold un-nerving failing's,  they release an ancient dark spirit named Asmodeus, in his past life he lead an army affiliated with the powers of the dark side not to be confused withSith, in his life his mind was corrupt with darkness and hate.  As a spirit the only thing that bring's him pleasure is to cause harm to living being's.  These two citizens both being best friends and going through college majoring in ancient text's understand how to read this box, and they both exclaim and explain how to put this spirit back in it's box, the way is to read the spell on the box to the dark spirit Asmodeus 7 times while he can hear it, this spell may not be read through the mouth but must be read through the force and the mouth at the same time.  

What was the result of the event?:  The Jedi themselves figured out the instructions on the holocron and and followed them.  The dark spirit was lured back to the cave ware the spirit box was by the two civilians so they could preform the ritual.  after the spirit was weakened he was damaged enough to return back to the box.  The two civilians after the spirit was sealed tried to take it in order to sell it to an ancient artifact collector for millions of credits, then they realized it would be bad to have in the wrong hands and handed it back to the jedi.  The two civilians were then taken in for capturing and released after wards.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:  Both more RP.



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Dang a lot of RP was in comms.  Also there was lots of RP involving sealing the ghost back in the box mainly with the Jedi, there was quite a bit of detail.  I personally feal that the execution was very straight forward with no un certainness.  To be completely honest I feel that the rating you gave does not follow the rating chart, because I definitely did not put it together just for a shoot em up.

Edited by Rick_
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