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Scribbles - E1M1


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Event Name: E1M1 

Summary of the story: Brad the annoying resistance leader had pillaged a very ancient planet for a dark spirit but it had backfired heavily, giving it and gifting it off to the republic as they had no idea what it was. They brought the holocron to the temple. The spirit of the holocron wanted it back and the republic ignored and locked up the holocron, which resulted in a hellscape brushing across the land. Portals of hell began opening everywhere and undead and slaves began ravaging the soil. The fighting seemed endless until a base to hell had opened up, within it held a crystal that combined with the holocron originally given to the republic.

What was the result of the event?: The baron of hell was defeated and unleashed a final bout upon the temple.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: roleplaying originally. Shootemup best the end

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Head Admin

9/10, always love your events.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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8/10 - I wasn't there for all of it, or barely any of it. But from what I saw and participated in, it involved a lot of what I had wanted from an event shoot 'em up (from the part I joined into). We were forced to use teamwork and work together using a multitude of abilities, rather than just holding left click. 


I hope that there was RP throughout that event to make it a 10/10 (but obviously I was not there). 

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