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whats up with 187th


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i have to feel bad for 187th like really bad for some reason they always get the  short end of the stick when it comes to non toxic players and there battalion is just filled with toxicity i swear in the last couple of months 2 of their officers have been permed for one reason or another and another was bloody lily tbh i just made this post to see what people think about this problem and try and brainstorm ideas to help the 187th and get them out of the spot theyre in

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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If you wanna help them, it's probably best to join them rather than making posts about it on the forums. But I can give you a few ideas from what I've heard from the countless members that left 187th and said some shit. Also just my general opinion from what it looks like from the outside.

1. Lack of actual leadership or structure.

2. Too many random promos for people who didn't deserve it/they don't believe deserved it.

3. Lack of recruitment.

4. Shit attitude from 90% of the members. 

5. Infighting (privates leaving the same day as joining due to it being a "shit show.")

6. No organisation or ideas.

Now I'll list what my opinion is on how they're falling

1. Failure to focus mindset and energy into the areas that need it, such as foundation to build up from.

2. Just general toxicity and failure to punish individuals based on what the majority of the community report in.

3. Giving the wrong people the power they don't deserve, every player I've spoken to about the 187th has said something bad about at least one SNCO+ within the battalion, all be it those players might be gone now but it had happened.

4. Bad representation of the battalion, if the players within the batt look and act like shit, the battalion is gonna be thought of as a shit place which results in players declining or not wanting to join.

If they really want to improve on fixing their battalion my personal opinion is to first scrap the 35th idea or at least the name, god is it boring. Next focus on building your foundation, focus on recruitment and rewards for recruitment, then your regimental areas, ensure that at least the core regiments such as Medical, Heavy, Aerial/Para and ARF/ARC are all ready to go with the correct documents and leadership behind them. Next once you've finally after a very long time managed to build yourself up create a core leadership for your troops, have people in the correct positions, overseers and disciplinary officers, an actual intel team that kicks ass. Ensure that any negative shit coming to your battalion stays either in the dark or not at all, you don't need it. Furthermore once everything is completed after how many ever terms, you can then focus on building your elite subgroup, I mean look at DU, it took them ages until they finally thought about pushing Havoc Squad out. And don't call them something bland like 35th, come on now, no one wants to go from one number to the next, especially when you have little to no lore you can literally make it up and make it EXPLODE. I'll give a shitty example, HALO Squadron (HALO referring to HALO jumping).


Obviously my entire statement and segment might be wrong as I've never stepped inside of the battalion before, I'm just going off of what I've heard from old members and seen from a 3rd party view.

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Here is my recommendation for them

1. Stop posting on the forums about the battalion, improve it within and you’ll get officer. 

2. Recruit, Recruits, Recruiting do it. 

3. Provide credit rewards for things such as recruiter of the week, trooper of the week, intel member of the week... etc. 

4. Shelf the 35th idea until you can show the server you aren’t a dead battalion. 

5. Recruit more 

6. Prioritize your simple branches first , MED,ENG,HVY... etc. 

7. Keep things simple stupid easy. 

8. Be active even more 

this might come off as Arrogant however I’ve kind of done it in DU while it isn’t perfect it’s working and slowly improving. Not everything is going to happen overnight. Especially during school time. It took me 3 week of 10+ hours a day to get the battalion active it’s gonna be a long road. It won’t be easy but it’s worth it in the long run. 

I don’t mean this to be rude just to help. I know what it’s like an it sucks. 

In all honesty 187th is quite close in my eyes to a state of dismay and has been since Joah left the battalion, no BCMD can server a full term and put the time in to help the battalion. The ones that where there aren't able to put the time into it that is needed. People don't want to join due to the lack of structure. The current officers aren't able to get on to help with the NCO's, the current NCO's cant be active enough to recruit and get new members. The new members don't want to be there because of the previous reasons stated. In all honesty the Attack Reg, MCMD, and SOBDE outreach, the later one being optional but those people will have to help a lot with internal documents and promotions, along with some outside help coming in to try and help with things as well. 

  • Funny 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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No offense but I think 187th should be removed, as a battalion they don't really offer anything unique, the people within the battalion have caused alot of issues in the past and its just another battalion to spread our playercount amongst.

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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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2 hours ago, Nade Jones said:

No offense but I think 187th should be removed, as a battalion they don't really offer anything unique, the people within the battalion have caused alot of issues in the past and its just another battalion to spread our playercount amongst.

Tru but when it comes down to it there are people whod be really pissed if it got removed and just leave the server and as the server is struggling for players atm it wouldnt do any good

Edited by Pot

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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If no one but the old toxic members of the community wanted it in the first place, why does it exist.

Just adds drama and another battalion to concern about when everyone saw it coming and didnt want it in the first place. Removal is a highly valuable and valid idea at this point, and people have been agreeing with that for ages. The only people who i've had argue it are people in the battalion or people who are friends with people in it. It's purpose is null and void at this point.

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