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Dennis is having a BRUH MOMENT

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Name of the staff member you're asking: @Marvel@Sanchez Resident

Question: The server is dying why is joe still in charge of the game master program? 

2. Why in 14+ hours starting on saturday until sunday night was there only one event?

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Concerns: Honestly im worried for the server as a whole. The excuse of its school is something that can be only used so many times. The directors and High Command aren't on the same page and don't communicate with anyone and say things that contradict themself. Staff is dying and inactive and don't help the server like what they signed up to do. They sit there and do nothing when tickets are put up and then complain when people talk about in OOC. I love the server and want it to be active but when there is nothing to do people don't want to get on. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Management

@Dennis We don’t have much say in the GM Program as Directors that goes to the HoD and GMC. If you have concerns about either the GM or TR branches please ask the HoD, GMC, or TRD or Managers of either branch.

As for High Command not being on the same page I am not sure what you mean as we are constantly communicating with one another in proper channels wether it be TS or Discord. 
and what exactly do you want us to communicate more about? We try our best to notify everyone about anything relevant the server. Yeah there’s a few things that we have decided just need to go in motion for certain reasons but we usually, in my opinion, keep most people updated on certain stuff. Of course we can’t keep everyone in the loop, even if we wanted to as there is quite a lot of players on Synergy.

For your concerns about staff. Yes I will acknowledge that staff has been on a downhill slide for a little while now. We are trying our best to find new ways to get people to do more as the server has been very stagnant as of late but that is something that cannot be fixed overnight. It takes some time and we are cracking down on the staff members who continually do no work.

It doesn’t always take staff to create some fun on the server! Create some passive RP within your battalions and others will follow suit. We’re trying our best to get things rolling and I too hate using school as an excuse but sadly that’s really just the case. A large majority of our player base is between the ages of 13-18 and they have much more important things than a role play server on GMOD of all games.

(i wrote this on the toilet there are probably a few grammatical mistakes so my bad)

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i am literally captain tukk

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