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Cutlaw's First Deployment


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Name: Cutlaw

Who helped (If applicable): Boutineer ( GH ),  KIljoy ( SHADOW )

Event Name:  Drilling in the Shadows

Summary of the story: A CIS drilling operation was happening  on a shadowy planet, full on minerals to fuel their new sattelite dish that was being built to block off communication planet-side. The clones had a pathway clear towards two of the objectives, one was to deal with a drilling ship ( 3 options, one was to  destroy both the ship and beam, killing everyone on board, the other one was to just disable the beam and the thirt most sinister one was to disable the rayshield on which the clones stood. The other objective was to destroy the dish, it was  destroyed by Wrecker, collapsing the whole mountain in the mean time

What was the result of the event?: A large loss for the CIS, but still they occupy the planet and a decisive victory for the republic, now they know that there are minerals on the planet used to fuel machinery

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up, with tech rp and EOD

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8/10, very good first event.

- Straight forward, clear objectives

- Tech/EOD Rps

- Logical mission story/objective

- Well balanced enemies - Cloaked commandos ambushing us on high ground but balanced with having 20hp.


- Event felt a bit short and difficulty was a bit low, probably due to SOBDE Outreach assisting since they are hardcore xD
- Nothing else I can think of at the moment, simply enhance what you got!

Edited by Jagger
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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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