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BCMD's giving up there discord cool or not cool

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I’m no longer part of the community but from what I see there’s no longer any trust between the directors and players. So much so they can’t even trust BCMDs with discord’s. And players are starting to trust the directors less based on what I’ve seen.

BCMDs should just make an unofficial battalion discord.


atleast someone didn’t get banned like Maymays did for not handing over discord.

Edited by IKE
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I don’t think they should own battalion discords. 


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16 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

I mean, it's kinda an unofficial thing they gotta do if, of course there's a new BCMD. 

It's just a discord, if they want to own one they can make their own. I don't see a problem tbh. 

However if you're the BCMD you should be in charge of the discord. 

Directors have control of Discords now

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Literally one the most ass decisions High Staff has ever made.

One or two people being retarded shouldn't take away the privilege of owning a damned Discord. It's such an overreaction to a set of isolated incidents; some of which that occurred up to over a year ago. It's bringing back that mentality from Kindergarten that because someone said the F word in class, no one gets to go outside for recess. These Discords are literally made for convenience for battalion chatting and keeping docs, and it literally says they're OPTIONAL in the Commander Rules and Regulations. Directors should not be in charge of something like this, and whomever made this decision is really overstepping their boundaries.

The sheer distrust in a Battalion Commander is directly contradictory to when they were sworn in, expecting to uphold the expectations of High Staff/Founders in every regard. It also makes no sense. If you can't even trust a Battalion Commander, how can you trust a Director? You can say the BCMD will refuse to hand it over or possibly delete the Discord, but I can also argue that letting a BCMD hold it is less of a risk than giving it to one or two people who run the entire fucking server. Say in a scenario that a Director is given like 50% of the Battalion Discords on Synergy. Now let's say that Director has gone rogue. Congratulations, you played yourself and lost every bit of work that the BCMDs and affiliates have put into 50% of the Battalion Discords. It's *LESS* of a community security risk to just let one person own their respective Batt Discord. If the BCMD goes rogue, you lose one Discord, ban him, then make a new one. A day of work at max trading for potential for weeks of damage control.

So this is not only a display of mistrust, an intrusion on battalion operations, and a severance between BCMDs and High Staff, but it's also a terrible fucking idea. Mistrust can go both ways and even High Staff is still as fallible as a Commander.

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I don't have an issue with the Directors being in the Discords but they shouldn't have ownership of them. There is no point for them to. There are roles that can be made that can give them access to everything that they could ever need. The ownership should lie with the person that is currently in charge of that Battalion.

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Tbh I just feel like we aren’t trusted and that fucking hurts. If you don’t trust me now or the actions I do then remove or don’t make me BCMD. There should be a trust between us and you should understand that my actions as a BCMD are for the better of the battalion. That includes what happens in the discord that I should own that comes with the position. We transfer everything when we switch over; docs, trainings, folders, and especially discord. If we can’t have a trust between us I’m not sure how you plan on having high command in the future. It’s a game and we try our best to bring order and fun and for this to keep happening we need to start trusting each other. 

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4 minutes ago, Baxter said:

I don't have an issue with the Directors being in the Discords but they shouldn't have ownership of them. There is no point for them to. There are roles that can be made that can give them access to everything that they could ever need. The ownership should lie with the person that is currently in charge of that Battalion.


I believe the that by being a BCMD the higher ups need to have that level of trust in the individual running the battalion to own the discord. 

Making everyone hand over ownership because of the mistake of a few retards is a bit stupid IMO

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This pretty much goes against the core values of when the server was created. For a server that is supposed to be "By the players for the players", this seems like a pretty restricting move.

 If they are so worried about people messing up the discords anyways, who says they cant do that? It has happened before and can happen again.

It is BCMDs to keep their battalions under control, no need to get involved unless asked to help.

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1 hour ago, Bro said:

Tbh I just feel like we aren’t trusted and that fucking hurts. If you don’t trust me now or the actions I do then remove or don’t make me BCMD. There should be a trust between us and you should understand that my actions as a BCMD are for the better of the battalion. That includes what happens in the discord that I should own that comes with the position. We transfer everything when we switch over; docs, trainings, folders, and especially discord. If we can’t have a trust between us I’m not sure how you plan on having high command in the future. It’s a game and we try our best to bring order and fun and for this to keep happening we need to start trusting each other. 

This ^ 

Fully agree


Edited by Omalic

 Papa Kal

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Also they have access to master chat in the discord and the fucking master doc(I think). The most confidential place in the order they have access to when majority are not masters. What the fuck, that's actually why I left. They took privacy away from people. 


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this is what happened currently to make them want ownership name's have been changed to protect people 

Kyle made a joke to Tony (Director) that Richard wasn't giving ownership of the google sheets (aka discord) to Harry the new manger , and said he was pulling a Tristan as a joke

5mins later 

Harry & Richard  were pulled into a room and Harry had to give the discord to Finn or Tony (Director)  or be removed from the company (perma banned) So now the directors are taking procauction all trying to get ownership of all the google sheets (discords) related to synergy when the google sheets are optional (discord)

Edited by Shake
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8 minutes ago, ttv.TheMedicTV said:

Also they have access to master chat in the discord and the fucking master doc(I think). The most confidential place in the order they have access to when majority are not masters. What the fuck, that's actually why I left. They took privacy away from people. 

They also have access to the Yoda and Mace channel lmaooo 


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So what if the Director owns all the discords then that director has a big falling out with the community and they decide to delete all the discords sure it may not be likely but fall outs with the directors and even founders have happened and if all the discords were under one persons power and they end up being deleted it would be a hell of a lot harder to get it all back and all the history and useful information left on them could be lost to time

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28 minutes ago, ttv.TheMedicTV said:

Tristan got perma'd for not handing over the 327th discord when they had admin perms above the bcmd.

He got banned for refusing to give it over to the current 327th BCMD you ding dong.

he actually said it was his own personal discord (even though it was created for 327th) and would delete/change things the current BCMD was trying to do to the discord.


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My post was deleted on Shakes post that was meant for the Directors, because I was an egypt and didn't read the rules.
So I'm posting it here again.


Fuck that man. 

Last time they took over the 501st discord they touched the permissions of every tag. And it took a good week for the intel boys to fix the mess. 

Half the channels were just locked. 

Those that had admin privileges lost them meaning we couldn't moderate our bots. 

Edited by Phil
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I am going to chime into this ignorance.

#1.) Discords are apart of Synergy, They are literally labeled for battalions underneath Synergy Roleplay. It's not like they're public chat discords that are meant for your future entertainment, they're meant for "current" battalion members. Honorary is fine, however when you're gone. You're gone. Advice is fine, and putting in 2 cents. You do not need ownership to do these things

#2.) There is 5 Counts already of people being toxic and not handing over discords and threatening harm towards the discord they love so much. Which has resulted in multiple bans. There's a reason high staff wants to own the discords and it's to ensure that the stability of the discords remain. You still have the permissions you need in order to create new ranks and to ensure the battalions are working as intended. If you can't let go of a Discord you have some serious personal issues that need to be addressed and you clearly have a power ego. 

#3.) What happens when the owner goes inactive and the directors have no way of changing permission in the future or something new needs to be added and it cannot be done due to the incorrect formatting purposes. It makes sense for high staff to pass the torch to one another that way the future of the battalion is secure with the discord.

#4.) Dr. Odyssey from Icefuse networks held every single document that had to do with Icefuse*, for a reason. To make sure no toxic individuals would destroy the community and I stand by those core values. I care more for the community and less for a single players petty ownership ego complex. (That's what the majority of this argument is related to..)

#5.) "But what if a Director goes rogue" Yes, There's always a chance of this. However, I trust most directors over most BCMD's to make the right choice. I've had quadruple the amount of BCMD's go rogue or toxic out of their own intentions than directors. I've only had 1 rogue director and he was swiftly punished.

#6.) Directors control the Staff Team, Control the commanders put in place, control rules on the server, control ban appeals, player bans / staff bans. It only makes sense for them to oversee the stability of the discords.

I could go on for 20 more points as to why it's important for high staff, and for those saying "THIS IS A NEW THING" is blind as shit. We've been doing this for a year and half now. Get over the insecurities and ego's and allow the high staff the run the server as they do the most work in this server. If you have a problem with current directors make a report and stop bitching. It's getting to the point where I feel like I'm dealing with 13 year olds.

#7.) THE BIGGEST POINT OF ALL: Directors are not taking all discords, they're taking discords that have had massive drama issues in the past and are controlling those certain discords to ensure future stability. I have no clue where you're getting " Directors are taking " ALL THE DISCORDS"

The only Battalions that I'm aware of that Directors have 100% control of discords are -

327th and 212th, there may be more but that's what I'm sure of.


Final Edit: You can always have the Directors create roles with the appropriate permissions needed in the future.


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  • Retired Founder

Thread is also locked to stop this drama.

Find a better way to spend your day than spreading negativity. 

This will not be changed as this is a staff matter and not a player matter.

You guys jump to conclusions all the time and have no information and use minimal arguments.

"327th and 212th are the only battalions that have had their discords taken from them due to past issues.."

41st earned their discord back after their past issues.

If there are anymore I'm unaware of it.


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