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Blacks Bug Report - Sum event server maps broken/r

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Bug Type (Server:): Some event server maps are not working

And some others reported by other GMOs. I dont have the full list because I am not gonna go through the list of 25 maps to figure out which one exactly doesnt work but I assume you guys would and Nar shadda being one of them needed fixing


Severity level (1-3): 2 - Events will become stale on the event server without use of other options

Evidence (if you can): Shit doesnt work with I do !changemap and it does not work for other GMs (Joe can attest to that) 

Description of the bug: The bug does not allow me to switch the event server map to what map I want for my events and other Game master ideas - whilst I try to change the map. This cucked one of my storyline events since I assumed it wouldve work

How can we recreate it: !changemap rp_nar_shaddaa_v3 - does not work (EVEN IN STAFF MODE) 

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