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Merrill - Second Skin


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: McFisher, Black


Planet Mygeeto, Location 25°33' N 148°11' E

Operatives will be deployed on unmarked transport vessel, codename "SECOND SKIN", where they will be set up with the equipment to complete the mission.


Storage site for a corporation known as "MIXED REPAIRS GALACTIC", which has been found to be sneaking CIS trackers and listening devices onto Senator ships, as well as repairing CIS ships under the table despite having a contract with the Republic. Owner is a Bith by the name of Tsa Galur, but will not be on site. However, the Assistant of Operations will be on site, and is marked for Elimination during this mission. The assistant is a Trandoshan by the name of Qurang Das'Mal. Additionally, all security forces on site will be labelled as ACCEPTABLE CASUALTIES.

Additional Info:

More data towards how and when the target will be eliminated will be given on board SECOND SKIN.

A Gotal, codename TRUST, is not to be harmed under any circumstances. He is acting as our mole in this corporation, and was to leave the site on paid leave 30 hours ago. However, intelligence has not yet received confirmation of his absence on site, so TRUST may still be in the line of fire. DO NOT HARM. Additionally, do not blow his cover, or he may fall under the target of the CIS.


Event Summary: SOBDE are deployed to Mygeeto to frame the CIS in an assassination of one of their business partners. It will be up to SOBDE to breach the security and eliminate the target, whilst ensuring not to harm their mole on the inside.

Event Outcome: SOBDE fought against heavy resistance and unforeseen obstacles, but eventually fought through using their wit and tactics. They eliminated their target successfully, and rescued codename TRUST.

Event Type: Mixed

  • Winner 3

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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