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Kobalt Staff Application


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RP Name: Kobalt/Loreck Bain

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35361791

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be a member of staff for a couple of different reasons. First off, I have absolutely fallen in love with this server and the atmosphere that it produces. I actually feel like i'm apart of something when I go and get on this server. And now that I have found this community that I truly feel I am a part of, I don't want it to suffer or go away any time soon. I want to be on staff so I can continue to keep the server running smoothly and according to plan for the sake of everyone who is apart of this community. 

Secondly, I feel that I can contribute my own point of view and experiences to the server and administrative staff. To me, I've always been one to value maturity and character over all else and I feel that some key characteristics can be overlooked sometimes in certain situations. I think that I can apply myself with these views in mind to aid the server as a whfdsole. I don't really beat around the bush, if something needs to be done, I will be sure that it gets done accordingly. 


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a computer geek and gamer to the core. I've spent the majority of my life playing video games in my free time. I've been all over the place in the gaming community as a whole. I spent some time playing semi-professional Counterstike, I've dabbled in some different MOBAs and RPGs, but I always seem to come back to games that can get me involved and immersed such as this server and community. I also adore the outdoors and camping ironically enough. The majority of this last summer I spent working as camp staff so I would like to think that I have a fair amount of managing and people skills from the way I had to behave there. I've always been one to give back to those who give to me and, my activity in my local Boyscout troop allows me to do just that, it allows me to be active and give back to my community in the form of service projects. I think that there are always two sides to any issue or argument and I am a huge believer in learning from your mistakes and the strive for constant improvement.


Do you have any previous staff experience?  I have managed the occasional small gaming community however I have not been staff for anything near the size of this server and, I hope to learn from experiences to come.

Edited by Kobalt
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