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Unusual - Neutral Planet


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Name - Unusual

Helpers - Merrill, Killjoy, Techno, Patricia, Harte, [VIPS] Jace, Steel, Swiss, Rewind

Event Name - Neutral Planet

Summary - The Republic are sent to investigate why they lost contact with an outpost in the city of Mos Mesric. The republic needed to find the outpost but also listen to the security of the city. The city was the only city left claiming neutrality on the planet so Republic had no power.

Shoot em up or RP - RP

What was the result - The mayor was executed and most of the gaurds killed.


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1/10, SOBDE got deployed and so far only performed 1 interrogation and for the rest of it, we ran around like headless chickens because we didn't know what we were supposed to do. Only fun we had was when we stole the mayor's furniture.


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6/10, Everything was good for a passive rp, liked how shock got deployed and did most of the work in the event. I say the beginning should be more exciting because at the end it was very cool.

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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I'm not gonna rate this as I believe that SOBDE wasn't in the loop of the story. Shock seemed to have fun with the story so as long as they got something to do that's a win in my book. 

Null stole furniture while Shock was out solving a mystery LOL.

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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4/10 I thought it was a little bland at the start with very few places to RP. I tried engaging in roleplay with the guards and the mayor and they completely brushed me off or straight up ignored me. The ending was poorly executed when the guards absolutely refused to RP and ignored any and all threats we made to them when we had their MAYOR as our prisoner. Eventually when one of the guards was finally forced to listen to us, he continued to deflect and refuse to cooperate. Please pick event jobs for passive roleplay that will actually roleplay.

Edited by Gret Briddlehide
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