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Synyster - Preemptive Strike


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Name: Synyster

Who helped (If applicable): Clank, Heat, Goofy

Event Name: Preemptive Strike

Summary of the story: The CIS had a hollowed out Techno Union ship that was going to be used to develop WMDs, it was the Republics job to not let that happen. 187th was tasked with disabling Flak Towers and infiltrating the Station. 212th had to clear a village and set underwater explosives, and 104th/327th destroyed a comms relay and assisted 212th in distracting the city defenses while 187th took it down from the inside.

What was the result of the event?: Good guys win, bad guys lose, techno union ship collapsed, city walls imploded. yay

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup



Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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I'm going based off of the chart. 

My first issue with the event was the level to which it was railroaded. Even opening up the roles a little bit while keeping people to their objectives could have helped out.

Second issue was with the roles themselves. 104th and 327th especially played a very minor role in the beginning to take out a satellite array. After this, however, we were essentially left to wait around and get shot at by commando droids that we couldn't take down while the 187th completed their in-depth objective.

Third issue is the control and communication with the event jobs. Especially seeing as this was a one-life, the event jobs should have been monitored and regulated a whole heck of a lot better than they were. I can understand the whole deal with the tac inserts on the wall and setting their health and I don't blame you for that. My issue was with their use of wrist rockets. They singled out and targeted players with endless barrages of rockets that took players out before they could even close the small gap from the rocky cover to the city wall. For many of my newer players this meant that one of their first deployment experiences was cut extremely short by a careless event job.

Other than that, I can tell there was thought and effort put into the storyline and the build. Which is why you scored at least a 5. For me and the rest of the 104th this deployment was not the best experience.


Also, P.S: This is nothing against you at all. Just honest feedback so you can hopefully work to improve certain aspects of your events in the future. Keep up the good work, pal.

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53 minutes ago, [SR] Moros [NA] said:


Also, P.S: This is nothing against you at all. Just honest feedback so you can hopefully work to improve certain aspects of your events in the future. Keep up the good work, pal.

Absolutely none taken. I knew it fell pretty fast due to the lack of help that i had. Having Only one spawner left me with taking care with 2 battalions by myself, causing everyone to lose out on better RP and planned action. Apologies my guy. It may have seemed like 187th had better stuff, but even they were just as bored as everyone else. Feelsbadman

Edited by Synyster

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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