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Name: Naval/BaseOps Chief of Engineering LCDR Merb

Suggestion: Add the fortification building tool with limitations.

Implementation: Add the fortification spawner tool provided in the workshop content, allowing BaseOps engineers to deepen ENG RP on the server by being able to build destructible cover for the other battalions on both the main and event server.

Some dev work will be needed as currently the content is a little big memory wise, but that can be fixed by getting rid of a bunch of the types of fortification able to be built, remove the chain link fence and the concrete walls, also limit the amount of fortifications that can be built from 25 to like 5 per engineer. luckily the creator provides a bunch of helpful hints on how to do this.

The great thing about this workshop content is the fact that the fortifications are not permanent and are in fact repairable and destructible so Naval/BaseOps Engineers can have separate RP rules for setting up fortifications and repairing them. This will allow more ENG RP to happen on the front lines where all the action is and allow non Naval/BaseOps to benefit by having cover to actually hide behind during events on both main and event server.



Workshop content if applicable:
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

Main Mod:


Destructible AddOn:


If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: Change

Job: Naval/BaseOp

Model: N/A

Weapons: The Workshop Content weapon


Edited by Brem
Typo lol, fucking picture didnt load
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+1 It's aight, I'm cool wit it, think it's a good idea.  Just hope it'll work well on server with hella people on it.

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6 hours ago, Scribbles said:

This was denied in the past, due to the heavy load it apparently put onthe server, due to the fact that it is basically just an entity that you put down. 

I'd want this but it causes problems

Like he said, the lag, THE LAGGGGGGGGGGG so -1

Current:  Jedi General A'sharad Hett

Former: Ki-Adi-Mundi | Simms



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