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Apology and Moving foward

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Well, i wanted to make this post to say how deeply sorry i am for whatever issues i made yesterday. Beacuse of some insomnia problems i have i need to take sleepings pills from time to time, and sadly i took a full pill (which makes me be on a loopy state) so i trought i would go to sleep immediatly so i locked my pc and went to sleep uknownly to me that i woke up in the middle of my sleep to play on the pc and fuck around with people who weren't willing to be used in such extent...I won't be going into much further detail, but it was pretty bad to some people so i would like to apoligize for my rudeness and stupidity.


I won't name anyone in this post bc i do not want them to become the target of drama nor i want to start any. So for anyone who was mistreated for annoyed by my behavior yesterday, I say to you that i am very sorry deeply sorry of my actions which will never happend again....(this time imma shut down my PC).

That's all, sorry again.

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