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Scribbles - Lore Friendly Geonosis Battle


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable):  Elijah

Event Name: Battle of Geonosis (Lore friendly)

Summary of the story: The clone wars has begun, the phase 1 troopers moved out to geonosis to rescue Pamde, Obiwan and Anakin. Commander ponds gathered his troops to assault the droid factory and captured dooku. It seems dooku got away though in the end, and SOBDE ended up finding info on a new droid general. Codename: Greivous. The republic then assaulted the outskirts of naboo after the CIS had send a small army over there, once the republic had moved onto naboo the droid forces were slim. 

(EP 2 Synopsis here)

What was the result of the event?: The republic won, and the clonewars began. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup, but lots of roleplay happened due to the playerbase. 



Edited by Scribbles
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Just now, Snadvich said:

5/10, Felt like a basic shoot em up

It's exactly what it was. Cept with the whole episode 2 part. 

It was just something i wanted to do because Dragon had phase 1 models and i got his approval. :)

Edited by Scribbles
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"It was hot, sandy, chaotic, and it didn't seem well planned."  - An event review by Stockings.

To start with this event or deployment, I would certainly like to say that I did find it quite fun, however this mission has its faults.  Starting with the cons of the event, it all started when I first heard from Quill that everyone was being deployed.  I was excited with my friends Sock and Khufu to partake in this event rather than playing some EA Battlefront II.  Eager to figure out what this event could be we loaded into the event server and lined up in regimental lines.  Immediately I noticed characters such as Jango Fett, Padme, and the other well known jedi helping with the event so it was no surprise to me that it was supposed to be the battle of Geonosis from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) directed by George Lucas. 

An early problem I found was that the event maker wished that everyone be Alpha -17, but it certainly seemed like they were slightly unprepared for having everyone look the same on the server.  The job/model has an excessive number of body groups which could've been used to help identify who is who.  With the decision to remove Body groups from those who are SSG or lower, it made it even harder.  I think, although it's a long shot, having  some phase 1 models already on the server would've been more useful and immersive rather than using Alpha-17.  Another issue I noticed was that the CO's of battalions were just colored yellow with the tool gun, YUCK!  The set up time seemed like it was half the event itself. 

Unfortunately, the mission seemed to unfold poorly as well with the pilots leaving early and stranding a number of clones on the Venator.  The map seemed to be no-collided so ships could fly through.  I think maybe just setting some sort of FOB on the surface of Geonosis would've been a far better choice.  

Another thing that busted my balls was that the clones and Jedi were entering the battle in the arena at the same time.  The Jedi were there first in the movie fighting wave after wave of battle droids.  It would've been far cooler if all the clones entered the battle with Grand Master Yoda, while he says "Around the survivors, a perimeter create."

The map also seemed sub-optimized for the size of the mission containing practically the whole server.  A lot of lag even with little NPC's.   A lot of props also seemed unnecessary. 

The addition to attack Theed on Naboo, seemed totally out of place as well.  It didn't seem like it had anything to do with the mission besides trying to prolong it.  I think I'm not the only one to say that they were not a fan of the length in time the event was. 

Lets switch it up now, and add in some of the fun and good things in the mission.

SOBDE was able to get their own interesting mission.  I thought the idea of having that was very cool and interesting even though I wasn't involved.  I'm sure it was quite fun for them, especially for the Null ARC's.  

I had a great time interacting with other clones acting like it was our first battle together. Saving  SGT Sock with Khufu was a fun role playing experience.  It was also fun to complete multiple objectives in a timely manner with the boys.

The addition of Geonosians is a plus also,  I'm sure it's rare to find people actually NPC's of them even if they only shoot one shot at a time.  


I think the event deserves this 6 stars out of 10 star review, because it holds true to a fun "Shoot 'em up event" but it seemed to fail in preparation and time management. 



**Note; this is a personal ranking, not based on the typical AAR ranking structure.

Edited by Stockings
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TL;DR: 5/10
This event had amazing potential since we very rarely do lore related battles. 
The event started on a frustratingly slow burn waiting to add everyone to alpha-17 while I understand why it needed to be done so we can have phase 1 troopers, there should be some more infrastructure built in for this type of situation (perhaps a job with phase 1 models that everyone has access to and is treated the same as an event job).

After that, we were deployed the unit was split up due to poor troop management by the commanders with the pilots leaving earlier than intended and troopers being left behind due to not enough LAAT's being spawned in. The lack of LAAT's was a gamemaster oversight and is an example of some of the issues that appeared throughout the event. 

Once the troops landed on Geonosis followed a fun albeit chaotic mission. Most of the time troopers had no idea where to go and were just following the pack. Luckily most commanders did a fine job leading us to the correct positions due to a solid pre-mission briefing (props on the GM to that one). Pre-mission briefings are typically very helpful in coordinating troopers and it was helpful in this instance as well.

This shoot em' up section was fun the droids had a healthy number without lagging us out it is rare that we get such masterful handling of minimal pre-spawning and management of distance of the droids. Solid 9/10 on that.

After making it into the factory I meandered off the main path to save Sgt Sock who was hurt behind enemy lines.  After regrouping with the main force we once again we're left without direction until we had a short debrief and were sent to Naboo. 

This is where the event takes a more negative turn we went to Naboo to hold off a droid attack. While I understand the purpose of it was to add to the content of the mission I think this was a mistake the addition of a planet after Geonosis was not necessary we had this setup simply for lore and fan recognition and the addition of something that breaks lore so easily hurt the overall perception of the event. The actual content of Naboo was sound it was a basic shoot em' up to clear the city but the fact that there really was no need to do this. We could have fleshed out a defensive situation while the commandos hunted down an HVT or split units into patrols instead of going to a new map. I understand we explored most of the map but there were other alternatives like I mentioned. 

Overall the event was done well. The active skills of a gamemaster were shown to be very strong which made the active instances of the mission so much fun. But the behind the scene skills were not executed as well and can be improved upon perhaps with fewer players and more Gamemasters. 

Edited by Daytona211
  • Agree 2

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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