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CWRP - Magnus Staff Application


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RP Name: TR Rancor ARC RTL 2ndLT Magnus

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7700549

VIP (Y/N):  Yes

Age: 15

Timezone: Eastern Standard US

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to become staff so I can better give back to the community that I have been a part of for a while now. Becoming administrator allows me to help people in the server outside of my battalion, and in doing so exposes me to new things. It also lets me get to know other people, which can assist in working with other battalions in the future.  Being in Rancor I already work for the community by managing the ARC program, but that doesn't seem like enough. Why help people who need to qualify for ARC when I can become an admin and help all corners of the server. Administrator also gives me the opportunity to become a game master, and I wish to host a plethora of events to liven up the server. Being an administrator can also help me with my inter battalion affairs such as being able to help put together ARC trainings or set up Rocket training. I also feel like it can improve my relationship with the community as I can help others who aren't administrators.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I started Synergy in around mid-October 2018. I wanted to give CWRP another try after being screwed over on another server. I was a CT for about 2 or 3 days before I built up the courage to try out for a battalion. I initially tried out for 104th with the hopes of tank driving, but I failed that. I went about 30 minutes wandering around when I came across Rancor and decided to try out, and I failed 2 times. The third time was obviously the charm since I passed it with flying colors. I went on to the ARC training and it took me a very short time to find out that I needed to work in order to get what I wanted. After completing my ARC training I felt I was ready to start my real journey. I went through about a week after becoming an ARC then I entered the Jet Program which I was dying to be a part of due to the lack of grappling hooks. Weeks go by and then we are restationed on Endor, and the first thing I do is bring up that Rancor lacked a JTL. After some convincing, I was able to become Rancor's JTL and it has been a wonderful learning experience. Soon I was faced with a problem, Rancor was reorganizing Jet into Rocket which put a large task on my hands. First, update the tryouts with canon information and new training tactics. Second, create a roster for better organization. After that, I have been doing well in my job as RTL, and I am ready to embrace whatever future this server throws at me. I can be short tempered but very rarely when it deals with something close to me such as my job in Rancor. I don't flex my rank or training unlike others and I am able to solve complex situations by my training and by the book. Although I can have some issues with taking direct commands when I know that there is a better option, but I learn quick that I need to follow orders to the letter

Do you have any previous staff experience? No

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No

Time on server: 274 hours

I am already TR trained

Edited by Tahunova613
Got VIP and added hours on server
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